February 2018

Let Go of Control and Let Great Things Happen. Blog #7

Control is a very tricky thing.  I do my best to follow my intended path and respond to things where I believe I can be helpful.  Before responding to a situation, I pray that I will be given the words to say or the grace to say nothing!  I don’t make decisions based on what I want but rather on what I believe is my next step through prayer and being alert and available to opportunities that arise. Once I feel confident that I am going down my intended path I am driven to do everything possible to achieve…

My Journey With Death. Blog #6

Death is never easy for those who are left behind.  Selfishly we can all say that we were not ready, he/she was our life, was too young, too smart, too generous, too kind, too talented to be taken so soon.  All of those things may be true, but I believe that those are things that we here on earth are mourning.  If we think only in terms of the soul I believe that there is no more magnificent place to exist than in heaven.  My parents never made a big deal about death when I was young.  It is…

3 Ways to Strengthen Your Relationship. Blog #5

In a relationship, look for someone who makes you a better person and for whom you make a better person.  #1.  Contributing more than your share. Ideally, you are committed and giving 100% of yourself to the relationship.  However, let’s use percentages and think in terms of strengthening and evaluating your role. Giving more than your share or more than 50% is imperative.  Each partner must think that the other partner is making a positive contribution; ideally, more than 50%.  If you are not sure that you are contributing your 50% to the relationship/family.  Start to develop…

3 Essentials of Unconditional Love. Blog #4

Why is it important to love?  It is important because we have unconditional love from God.  No matter what we do, God will forgive us and love us unconditionally.  I believe an important part of allowing yourself to love is being able to love unconditionally.  If you have felt the feeling of having unconditional love, you know that brings with it a sense of security.  A feeling that no matter what you do you will still have that love.    1.  Trust is essential for unconditional love. A willingness to trust in a relationship is not easy.  It takes courage and…