August 2019

Allowing Happiness. Blog #85.

Happiness is a gift that I work hard to maintain daily. I have always been willing to take the risk of allowing myself to be happy for all that I have been given. I resist thinking about what I don’t have or what I am missing in my life.  I concentrate on what I do have and am grateful to God for those blessings.  An important lesson learned in network marketing is to concentrate on those that are present and active.  Don’t spend time worrying why people did not show up or choose to participate, but mentor, train…

Knowing Why, When, And How To Move On. Blog #84. 

When I look back at my life it is filled with moments where I had to choose to move on or hold my course.  Although I live by faith and do my best to follow my intended path, there are three things I always review before making a final decision as to the direction I will follow.  1.  Why am I moving on? There might be numerous obvious reasons to move on and start new.  Despite the obvious, I always ask myself why I am thinking about this change.  When I review my answers, I look for how meaningful my…

First Impressions. Blog #83.

Let’s imagine a world where the only possible first impressions are showing love.  Where one meets someone and the only thing that comes to one’s mind is kindness.  Walking down the street one acknowledges people they see with a warm gesture and are mentally thinking good thoughts about them.  Someone who is visibly different is then welcomed into the circle of friends.  As the conversation starts, it all builds on being happy with people’s accomplishments and learning from each other’s strengths.  These first impressions could also be labeled judgments.  I am guilty of making…

Why Is It Impossible? Blog #82.

I had never swum 100 yards in less than a minute in my entire high school career.  One might say that was impossible for Laura Damiano.  I was not a freestyle swimmer.  I only swam freestyle when competing in the individual medley, which includes all 4 strokes.   In college, I went to apply for a job as a lifeguard.  One of the requirements was swimming a hundred yards in less than a minute.  I knew I had never swum that fast of a time.  I distinctly remember praying as I dove into the pool, “Please Lord, provide me the speed…