December 2020

Love And Reconciliation. Blog #155.

It is time to rejoice in the new year and to bring love and reconciliation to the forefront of my life.  When I make time to reflect back on 2020, I am careful to think about the blessings and learn from my failures.  I chose to focus on the things that were positive about the year, not the things that were lost or never accomplished.  If there is something weighing heavy on my heart it is time to restore the situation. Reconciliation is something that starts from within.  I have to choose love over whatever conflict or disagreement that occurs…

Hope Is Here For Us. Blog #154.

As we move closer to this very special holiday, I am filled with hope.  Although I know it is a time of year that is difficult for many, in my darkest times I reach for hope…  the very reason for this season. When it feels like nothing is going right in my life I look at my priorities.  Often I find that I am getting in my own way.  I go back to my number one priority, my faith.  I let go of control and leave it to faith. During the dark times, the only way out for me…

Best Intentions. Blog #153.

During the holiday season, most of us have the best intentions to make those we love happy.  To choose the perfect gift, to do the right thing, to serve, and to live the true meaning of the season. It is during these times, that I often get off course.  Sometimes I get off course because I want the best for a person, often more than what is necessary.  Other times it’s because I don’t look deep enough for what makes the person smile or what the person really wants.  And then there are those times when I’m…

Freedom. Blog #152.

We have the freedom to make choices.  Of course, these choices are within the boundaries of the constitution, but we have freedom.  Many have experienced and will experience great sacrifice to stay true to their beliefs.   Freedom, we live in a country that allows us to go after our dreams.  It doesn’t guarantee that we will achieve the dream, but we have the opportunity.  A very powerful tool that we have been given. We have the freedom to reach for our dreams and to make choices.   Not comparing people, but feeling the powerful freedom we have to choose.   As…