November 2020

The Lives We Touch. Blog #150.

So many things we do each day touch the hearts of others and give them hope.  Much of the time we never know the lives we have touched.  Every once in a while we get the gift of knowing just how important our efforts are to someone else.  For the most part, these are things that are routine in our lives, yet special to someone else.  We touch people’s lives with a smile, by being present, with encouragement, and when we offer our assistance.   These routine tasks often can change someone’s life.  As I go about my…

Attitude & Effort. Blog #149.

How can attitude and effort contribute to a bright end to 2020 and a start to 2021?  Despite all the challenges from COVID-19 we can choose a mindset of hope.  I recently read a book about attitude and effort.  Attitude, having the right mindset and effort, making sure one utilizes all their talent in completing the task.  The question is, am I really putting forth my best attitude and effort in all that I do? Am I playing my best “game” every day?   We already know that the remaining weeks of 2020 and 2021 are going to provide obstacles…

What Is Really Important? Blog #148.

What is it that I feel is most important?  What is it that is most influential in my life?  How can I prioritize what is important?  How does that one thing that is most important to me, contribute to my life being more complete, content, and joyful? Is what I deem most important, really my most important priority?  Or do my priorities need to be realigned? For me, my faith is number one in my life.  Despite the fact that it is most important, I still find myself needing to refocus on that priority.  For me it was not a…

Sharing: Time, Knowledge, Love. Blog #147.

I believe when we were taught to share as young toddlers, it was one of the most important lessons of our life. If one is willing to share their time, knowledge, and love, those around them grow and they are able to be lifted to the next level if they so desire. Time Sharing one’s time is priceless.  We have 24 hours in a day.  We can’t buy more time, we can only extend deadlines. When someone generously gives the gift of their time, it is often meaningful in unspoken ways.  I am thinking about the gift of…