September 2020

Sewn Together By Faith. Blog #142.

This is not easy for me to admit, but 2020 has brought fleeting moments where I have questioned my faith.  In those moments of question, I take a step back and look at where my faith has brought me and how many disasters it has made right.  This year has brought challenges to the world, our country, and for many of us our families.  I believe those challenges will be untangled as our faith stands strong and as love prevails. What I have realized in those moments is that I am not questioning my faith, but my ability to hear…

Surrendering. Blog #141.

Lately, I find myself surrendering daily to Jesus.  I pray for continued strength to be guided by faith.  It is often the toughest route, sometimes the longest route, and usually a route where I have little prior knowledge as to why this is my path.  For me, making sure I stay on course is the most difficult part. I have to be patient yet be open to trying different paths. I don’t sit around waiting for answers, I explore paths that present themselves and pray for guidance.  Sometimes the path is clear and other times it is rather foggy…

A Reason To Smile. Blog #140.

I never thought I would need to remind myself to smile.  I hate to admit this, but I have smiled less, hugged less, and communicated less with people in general than I had six months ago.  Our lives changed dramatically with COVID-19.  One thing that has hit me hard lately is that I am using my smile infrequently.  I see social media posts that say, “I really am smiling behind this mask.”  I absolutely would have thought that I could identify a smile with or without the mask.  I thought our eyes would communicate the smile.  But in the…

Fears, Worries, and Bullies. Blog #139.

When something goes wrong, we are targeted, bullied, or are not included do we go the extra mile and pray for the individuals involved?  How many of us after we give our worries to God pray for those who we fear? Recently, I was reminded by a friend regarding the power of prayer. I won’t give details of the situation but she indicated that when stopped at a stoplight she and her daughter were verbally harassed.  Her first instinct was not to talk back but to pray.  She prayed not for safety for themselves, but for the people who…