April 2018

Perseverance of Faith. Blog #15

Perseverance is something that has served me well throughout my life.  I remember when I was elementary school age participating in a race where you kicked a bag full of air across a finish line.  I remember being in the lead very close to the finish line and a gust of wind took my bag way back beyond the start line.  My mom said her first thoughts were that it was over for me and that race.  I don’t ever remember thinking anything bad about having to start over.  I don’t even remember thinking about starting over, I…

Give Away a Smile. Blog #14

The cost of giving away a smile is priceless!  Think about what a smile can do for someone.  As we walk through our day there are so many times we can choose to be generous with our smile or choose to not share.  There are days that I am not feeling much like smiling.  I might be busy, stressed, feeling ill, heard bad news, or just had a day when business was not going as well as planned.  Making a decision to put on a smile can change everything.  Giving a smile can be as easy as tilting those lips…

Friends For Real. Blog #13

So many of us struggle with the concept of friends and wanting to be liked by others.  We think that feeling disappears as we progress through middle school, high school, and beyond; but often it does not.  Living our lives worried if others will like us is a very stressful endeavor.  It is important that we love ourselves and that we love others.  It is important that we are content with ourselves and that we are proud of how we treat others.  I pray and ask God to lead me down my intended path and to make me aware of…

The Power of Priorities. Blog #12

We all struggle with making time for our priorities in life.  What I found was that leaving the decision to God as to what the main priorities are, takes all the pressure off of me.  My first priority is my faith.  If my first priority is my faith, then I am leaving all my other priorities in the hands of God.  I pray that God will give me the discipline to make time for what life’s true priorities are and that I will recognize those priorities and make time.  Still to this day, I have to discipline myself to…