
What Makes A Good Day? Blog #299.

When I am aware that my mind is awake the first thing I do is make the assumption that it’s going to be a good day, and thank Jesus.  Before my feet hit the floor I know that everything is going to be okay and that there is a reason to get up and enjoy the day.   I don’t give myself time to think about how I feel or all that I need to accomplish.  I simply move forward and assume it will all work out.  There never seems to be an advantage to thinking about all…

Will The Real Me Please Stand Up? Blog #298.

It took decades for the real me to expose myself fully.  Not even understanding that the real me was in disguise.  I felt like I lived by the “Golden Rule” and genuinely attempted to do the right thing under all conditions.  There were times I was wrong or off path, quickly adjusting to get back on track.  I was a good person trying to live life with compassion. That life was interrupted and turned upside down.  For most of my life, I was a leader.  Someone who took charge when necessary but stayed in the periphery by nature.  My predictable…

Recharging My Battery. Blog #278.

How is it that you recharge your battery? What is it that you do to get yourself back on track and refocused on your priorities? Most of us can probably relate to times when we put our heads down and charge through the responsibilities that are in front of us.  Those times can be challenging and push us off focus.  However, there can also be times when we dig deep and rely on our strengths.  First, I have to recognize that I am in need of being recharged.  Often life is so busy that we don’t take the time…

Not To Be Forgotten. Blog #274.

Over time we often forget some of the details of our lives.  Some things become easier over time as our memories fade.  Other things are enhanced by a gentle reminder.  Monuments often provide a reminder of important things that have happened in history.  As we view the art our minds focus on the events of that time period.  It is a gentle reminder of history; a person, event, or era.  As I was listening to the Daily Audio Bible the reading touched on the importance of incorporating reminders into our lives.  Things that will help us reference important personal events…