October 2023

Fair Fight. Blog #302.

Whenever I am forced into battle I want to fight fair.  The only way I know how to do that is to first engage in prayer and second to make sure my total being is coming from a perspective of love.  When I am engaged in prayer and focusing on love, I begin to feel compassion for whatever combat is headed in my direction. I normally avoid battle, but sometimes I am tossed in before I even know what is happening.  When I am caught off guard I have to stop and focus on what is most important.  For me…

Regaining Peace. Blog #301

I was speaking with someone who was a bit frustrated with a friend who lives life as a follower of Jesus.  This person was given advice to trust in Jesus, and that it will all work out.  Here is the catch.  The friend giving the advice was very worried about something and was not following their own suggestion.  The question was, “How do I help someone who is giving me advice to trust Jesus, but is not trusting Jesus with their own worries?”  Think about how strong we would be as followers of Jesus if we all applied his advice…

Stand Strong. Blog #300.

It is time to stand strong seeking truth, unity, and love.  As we move through our day we are targeted with information from every direction.  It is not easy to uncover the truth.  Much effort is necessary to begin to uncover what is real and what is misinformation.  The truth often is hidden behind everything circulating on social media.  I utilize prayer to uncover the information I believe is needed to make important decisions.  Praying that I will see the shortcomings of the misinformation and that I will be led to the information I need to make an educated decision…

What Makes A Good Day? Blog #299.

When I am aware that my mind is awake the first thing I do is make the assumption that it’s going to be a good day, and thank Jesus.  Before my feet hit the floor I know that everything is going to be okay and that there is a reason to get up and enjoy the day.   I don’t give myself time to think about how I feel or all that I need to accomplish.  I simply move forward and assume it will all work out.  There never seems to be an advantage to thinking about all…