September 2019

Consistency and Change. Blog #89.

As much as I love change and the energy it brings me, I am equally as grateful for those who are able to thrive on consistency and repetition.  Although I prefer a healthy amount of change in my life I have great respect for all that consistency offers.  In management, I value both those who are energized by change and those who thrive on consistency and repetition.  Problem-solving is a major part of many positions and I want people on my team that enjoy the thrill of solving problem after problem.   But I also want team members who are…

Feel The Energy. Blog #88.

For me, even the thought of change sends energy through my veins.  Where some are paralyzed by it, I thrive on change.  As a result of my boss’ retirement, I find myself soon to be transitioning jobs.    As I approach this change I wonder if my next endeavor will allow me the opportunity to again experience renewed energy.  Amidst all the chaos, I start to feel the energy building as new opportunities arise.  I had almost forgotten how much I love change until the energy again exposed itself to me.   That energy is similar to an approval or a confirmation…

What To Do In A Storm? Blog #87.

My kids tell me that I am able to reach out in faith during a storm because God helps me, they then proceed to tell me that they do not get that same help.  This particular day the concern was over several different things, but one was regarding homework, math in particular.  The conversation occurred in the car on our way to an appointment.  I was challenging my girls to trust that God will help them through the tough times and to first pray for a solution to the issue or issues at hand.  The next comment was that they…

Dreading Deadlines? Blog #86.

I need deadlines or I would never get anything completed. If I don’t have a deadline, the task moves to the end of my priority list. If I don’t have a push that the task must be completed, other things get in the way. Some people say, “I can’t operate on deadlines”. Well, I probably would prefer to run my life without deadlines, but I can’t function without them.  My days turn into unproductive hours thinking about what I should do first. When I have a list of things to do and an order of priority…