Why I Live My Life Like Everything is a Miracle, Part 2, Blog #18

Follow this link to read part 1 of this blog, Why I Live My Life Like Everything Is a Miracle – Part 1.

Miracle #6 – Marriage and Children

My marriage to my husband was truly a gift from God.  It was as though I could feel people thinking, “How is it that they work so well together?”  My answer is a match made in heaven.

I knew all my life that I wanted to be a mother.  I knew that for me raising children was a priority in life.  I also knew that I wanted to be at home with my children.  What I didn’t know was how that would all play out.  God had a plan for me and that plan was orchestrated far beyond what I could have envisioned.  A perfect mix of working from home and raising my children, a miracle!

Miracle #7 – Doctors

When living in Boston, I was blessed with an amazing team of doctors.  This team included a chiropractor and a gynecologist who gave me the ability to carry children.  I went to the chiropractor because I had intense pain in my leg and lower back that put me to tears.  After working out all the chiropractic issues, I still had pain that the doctor said was not a chiropractic issue.  He suggested I see my gynecologist.

It turns out that I had to have surgery to remove a grapefruit-sized fibroid.  The fibroid had torn up my uterus to the point where I would not be able to carry a child.

Several months after surgery, I had an X-ray taken by a doctor at a fertility clinic.  The doctor who had been in this business for over 20 years could not believe the X-ray of my uterus.  He said he had never seen something like this and that it looked as though it was a completely healthy unharmed uterus.  He was so amazed that he immediately took the before and after x-rays downstairs to the office of my gynecologist and showed him the picture.  It was a miracle, a gift from God through lots of prayer and faith that I would indeed be able to give birth to children.   

As I indicated in miracle #2, preserving is my strength.  My husband and I were working with a fertility clinic because time was ticking away on my youth.  Actually, it was gone!  My husband as you recall was 30 years my senior.  It turned out that he had no problem with fertility.  It was me who was unable to produce enough quality eggs.  After looking at adoption and various other fertility treatments, we decided to try In Vitro Fertilization.  After numerous injections, medications, and doctor visits, it was decided that the best way for us to have a child was to use an egg donor.

I knew that this was God’s plan for us because out of the hundreds of egg donors available, the first donor profile that I reviewed was the one that we chose.  At the time that we saw this donor’s profile, another couple had reserved this donor.  But I felt strongly that this was our donor.  I waited a week or two and the donor became available.    The other couple had not chosen her.   

How did I know that she was our donor?  God opened a donor profile for me that was a German woman who had a bachelor’s, master’s, and Ph.D. in textiles, she loved Disney, family, and sports.  She had blond hair and blue eyes, she was about as close to me as one could imagine.  It was the first profile we opened and I knew God had sent us our answer.

We proceeded with this donor.  She provided us with 27 eggs.  I knew when the doctor spoke to us that this was going to be a long road.  If we wanted a child, we were going to have to persevere.  And that we did.  I was injected with two eggs at a time up until egg 24.  Three eggs were placed in the last injection two of which grew and became our daughters.  God is good, my husband had his one birth and I had my two children.  Thank you, God!     

Miracle #8 – Friends

I have been fortunate to have had many friends in my life and many acquaintances.  I have had friends for life and friends for a season of my life.

At times I have been very sad or empty inside because what I thought was a friendship for life was only a friendship for a season.  The best part is when you finally realize that not all friendships are made to last the same duration.  I have had strong positive relationships go south so quickly that I never knew what happened.  I have friends that I never expected would be lifelong.  People come in and out of your life for a reason.  The important part is being able to go with the flow of the season, long or short.

Whenever I have lost a friendship unexpectedly, the end result has always taken me to my next step in life.  If those ties were not broken, I may not have left that situation to find the next opportunity.  I have many examples of this, but the one that is closest to my heart is when I left Boston.

My husband and I had a close group of friends that we enjoyed being around.  About a year after my husband’s death, one of the close ties suddenly broke.  Not just a little break, but a break that was very hurtful to both sides.  To this day, I believe the break was due to perceptions (on both sides), not what was real. But here is what I know for sure.  I know that if that had not happened, I may not have moved back to Cleveland which is where I believe the girls and I were meant to be living.  It was my intended path.  I am grateful that the relationship has mended and blossomed.  Thank you, God!

Miracle #9 – People

When in an interview, I always have the same answer to the question, “What is the most important element of a job?”  For me, the people you work with and for are always the most important aspect of the job.  I believe the same is true for all aspects of life.  I have been so fortunate to have been able to choose to work and socialize with positive, fun, thoughtful people.  I have had a very diverse group of friends and jobs.  All of which I have been grateful for the quality of people in my life.

Miracle #10 –  Path to Faith

I was reading one of my favorite books, The Alchemist, by Paulo Coelho, at a local fitness center while my children were working out.  The trainer saw me reading and mentioned that if I liked that book, I would love Miracles Every Day, by Maura Poston Zagrans.  The story of Dr. Nemeh, a physician, and a man of faith and prayer.  I immediately read the book, which I reread often and is marked up like one of my college textbooks.  The book took my ability to tap into the holy spirit to a whole new level.  After reading the book and putting the suggestions into practice, I now feel the holy spirit within me.  There is a feeling or rush through my body every time I invite the holy spirit in prayer.

Our first introduction to Dr. Nemeh was at a healing service.  Dr. Nemeh makes it very clear that God is the healer.  It was at that service that God healed my daughter’s knee and my sinus issues.  It has been over two years and both the knee pain and sinus issues are gone.  My daughter had shoulder, back, and foot pain the following year.  She saw Dr. Nemeh in his office where he implemented both Meridian Regulatory Acupuncture and prayer.  Her shoulder, back, and foot were realigned.

I had experienced severe foot pain for approximately 7 years.  I also had shooting pain down my leg and lower back.  In addition, I had a tooth that required a root canal and a crown.  Normally I have those issues repaired by a dentist, but this time I felt that I was guided to make an appointment with Dr. Nemeh.  I have to be honest, it was not easy for me to call to make an appointment with Dr. Nemeh for my tooth.  At this appointment, Dr. Nemeh implemented Meridian Regulatory Acupuncture along with prayer.  My feet, legs, and lower back felt immediate relief.  In addition, he worked on my neck, face, and my tooth area.  I did not know if the tooth had healed because I was not in much pain.  I could, however, feel significant improvement when I flossed my teeth that evening.  I won’t know how much of the tooth was repaired until it is x-rayed.  That night and into the next day I could feel a rush inside my body.  I could tell that the holy spirit was still at work.  My feet, back, and legs are pain-free too!  Thank you, God, and with much appreciation to Dr. Nemeh for his knowledge and expertise.

My path has led me to places where I would never have dreamed possible.  Doors that opened and closed were truly gifts from God.  It is my faith in God that encourages me to live my life like everything is a miracle.

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