Living In The Moment. Blog #20.

Living in the moment is what summertime is all about for our family.  Enjoying all the quality time that summer allows and capturing those lifetime memories. 

For me, I love summertime.  I love that people are out of the house and walking around the neighborhood.  I love that the kids are out and about exploring the woods and all there is to find.

I love to look around and take in the moment and all the joy of green grass, blooming flowers, a great rain shower, a bike ride, a good book on the beach, a walk around the neighborhood, a paddleboard ride around the lake, and a good old fashion campfire with smores.  As I take my morning jog I am grateful to see all the beauty around me and give thanks to God.   

Of course, we have our careers, chores, and all the responsibilities that go along with being an adult and owning a home, but I am always trying to schedule my work so I can get outside to enjoy the day. 

I look for every opportunity to work hard and play hard.  I plan my day to incorporate as much time outside and with my kids and dog as possible.  Normally I like to have all my work finished before moving on to another activity, but I have learned that sometimes you need to live in the moment.  I have learned when my kids ask me to do something with them (basketball, tennis, soccer…) if at all possible, I put the work aside and say yes.  I have found that if I ask them to wait until I am finished we miss the moment.  I enjoy that time with my kids so I choose to make the time and do my work later.  I always seem to find the time to get the necessary work completed. 

Of course, I cherish the moments I have for myself,  but I also love to make time for others.  My time for others is purposeful and scheduled into my week, but at the same time very flexible in capturing those moments.  It is an important part of my week.  I plan several time slots knowing that life happens and some flexibility is necessary.  My time for others includes family, kids, pets, friends, someone that needs my assistance, etc.  At the beginning of the week, I look to see where I have free time and then I adjust my schedule daily.  I am very flexible when I do things, I take advantage of those moments, but rarely do I allow my time for others to disappear. 

Summer for me is making moments for our family.  It is spending time with people we enjoy.  It is being grateful for all God’s blessings of the season.

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