Pay It Forward. Blog #22

“Pay it forward” is something that is talked about often, but until you experience both the giving and receiving I don’t think one fully understands the true impact. 

During a VERY icy, snowy wintery day, on the way home from an appointment one of my girls and I stopped at the local fast food restaurant.  The line for the drive-through was long.  As I was waiting, I saw three people get out of a car to go into the restaurant.  Two of the people were walking together, the other was walking alone, on the ice, using a cane. 

I am not sure that I have ever seen someone walk any slower than this man was walking, maybe a half inch per step.  The odds that this man would fall on the ice were so high, I was nervous watching him.  I put my car in park (in the middle of the drive-through line) and walked the man to the door of the restaurant. 

Now, remember, this man shuffled his feet at the speed of a sloth.  I did not look at the time, but it might have taken 5 minutes to get him to the door.  I was anticipating horns honking and people being very aggravated that I stopped the entire line of cars at the drive-through.  One of the reasons we all use drive-through restaurants is to get our food quickly, right? 

I told the man to take his time and to my surprise, not one person honked a car horn.  After getting him to the door, I quickly got into my car and felt a sense of relief that I was not attacked by horns or people yelling nasty comments.  I immediately gave thanks to God.

I drove around to get the food and the person at the window said, “Your meal is paid for by the women in the car in front of you.” 

I was in shock and tears came to my eyes.  Not because I couldn’t afford to buy the meal.  But because there were others who cared about that man getting to that door without falling.  It was confirmation that people care and that goodness does exist. 

I will forever be changed by that moment in my life.  I was so stunned I had no idea how to thank the person in the car that purchased our meal.  I honked, waved, and yelled thank you; but for a moment that changed my life, it didn’t seem enough. 

I know that people who “pay it forward” understand that they are doing a nice gesture for someone.  But until you are on the receiving end of the “pay it forward” I don’t think you have the FULL understanding of how that moment can positively alter someone’s life.  I thank God for allowing me to experience that opportunity.  

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