Quality Time. Blog #101.

Finding quality time for the things that are important to us takes effort and planning.  Quality time doesn’t just happen, it takes thought.  As I develop my weekly and daily schedule I carefully plan time for our family’s priorities. 

At first, it takes time to figure out how to develop a schedule incorporating the things that are most important.  Over time, finding ways to add quality time to my routine has become easier because I have made it a priority.  When the schedule changes and quality time disappears, I look for alternative ways to capture time for what is important in my life. 

What are my priorities?

My faith, family, and career are my priorities.  The order of priority never changes.  My faith drives all that I do.  I rely on my faith to guide me and open doors for me to continue to find quality time for the things that are important in my life. 


Although I incorporate prayer throughout my day, I schedule a time when I can clear my mind for prayer.  I find time to pray when I exercise when I am driving, when I am waiting for my children at various activities, and at the end of my day.  If I miss my exercise/prayer time, I think about how I will replace that prayer time. 

I exercise early in the morning so rarely is that quality time disrupted.  When it is disrupted, normally it is because I am driving someone somewhere.  My quality prayer time then transfers from the treadmill to driving time. 

I am purposeful about remembering the important components of my day.  If my children are talkative in the car, my prayer time moves again and I allocate another time for prayer.  I am purposeful and intentional with my quality time.


I am also purposeful when it comes to family time.  Family time is flexible, but never omitted.  Eating together as a family is a priority.  With everyone’s commitments that can be very difficult.  If we don’t eat together, we find a time when we spend a few minutes together to regroup and catch up on what has happened throughout the day.

If our family has not spent a few quality moments together, before we all settle in for the night I casually gather us together.  I don’t tell my kids that I am looking for quality time with them.  I jokingly tell them I was robbed of my time with them today, they roll their eyes, and then we hang out for a few minutes talking about anything they choose.  Each day I look for a moment when all of our family members can be together.

For me, spending quality time together means interacting with my family.  It means participating in activities that they enjoy or that are required.  Maybe it involves spending time together outside on a beautiful day.  Often it means willingly and happily giving up what you want to do and allowing your family member to choose the activity.    

Let’s face it, it’s not all about me!  When I focus on the love of others, all things seem to fall into place.

I am fortunate to have my immediate family close in proximity.  It is a priority for me to find time to spend with my parents and siblings.  That does not mean that I see them often, but it does mean that I am purposeful in finding quality time with them.  I do make time daily to spend with my kids, weekly to spend with my parents, and as often as time allows with my siblings.  The important part is that we connect and enjoy our quality time.


I have always believed in productive, quality time at work.  It does not matter to me how many hours someone spends at work.  I care about what they produce and how they treat their co-workers.  There have been times in my life when I worked long hours, but the hours were always productive work hours.  I never worked long hours for the purpose of my boss seeing me at my desk. 

Early on in my career, I worked with people who felt like they had to stay at work as long as their boss was at work.  These employees believed if they went home before their boss they would not be considered for a promotion.  This is not what I consider quality time spent at work.  The long unnecessary hours at work created exhausted, unhappy, employees. 

Most of us find ourselves in the middle of more activities and commitments than hours in the day.  Allocating quality time for my faith, family, and career is my priority.  It is my faith and prayer that define how my time is utilized.  When I allow myself to be guided by faith, quality time becomes abundant.    

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