Be The Light. Blog #125.

The message I heard loud and clear this week is to be the light.  Shine a light on those around you, share hope, and radiate love.

I have shared Dr. Issam Nemeh’s words of wisdom in several blogs.  This past week I listened to a message where he encouraged us to shine and bring hope to others, particularly during this difficult time. 

At a time when anger, hate, fear, and depression are on the rise, it is a priority to continue to love others.  Dr. Nemeh highlighted three areas of concentration; surrender everything to Jesus, have true faith, and love your worst enemies.

As I reviewed the three areas I felt they were so simple, yet not necessarily easy to implement.  All three areas take discipline, dedication, and commitment to live by daily. 

Letting go of control and surrendering yourself to Jesus should be as easy as it is simple.  Yet somehow I have to remind myself that beyond the words I have to follow my intended path.  Not necessarily what I want for myself, but the direction I am being led.   I choose to follow my intended path because the results continue to exceed what I could have dreamed for myself.    

In his message, Dr. Nemeh spoke about evil not being able to tempt those with true faith.  How many of us have true faith and apply it in our daily lives?  Are we willing to set aside unethical and immoral behavior?  I put my faith first and strive daily to lead a life of true faith.  I am definitely a work in progress!

The words are simple, love our enemies.  However, it is not always easy to forgive our family and friends let alone our worst enemies.  In order for love to shine within us, forgiveness is a must.  As we learn to forgive, our level of stress is reduced and our capacity for love grows.

Surrendering everything to Jesus, having true faith, and loving your worst enemies all facilitate that shining light, radiant love, and hope within us.  No matter the pressure, disturbance, or distraction, radiate love.

Stay strong, don’t be fearful, keep your faith, and keep love in your heart.  No matter the destruction going on around us focus on having love in your heart, not fear. During good times and bad, be the light.

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