June 2024

Strength & Potential. Blog #337.

God pushes us to achieve our full potential revealing our hidden strengths and molding us for our purpose.  The more I rely on Jesus the more strength and potential I reveal.    Through prayer, I let go of the things I think are right for me and give control to Jesus.  Walking away from what I want to do to follow my intended path.  Leaving some of my dreams behind believing that Jesus will guide me to my purpose.   Being open to God’s plan is wonderful.  Blindly accepting my path before knowing my purpose is challenging.  The most difficult part…

Be Still. Blog #336.

It is time to stop letting the chaos into my life and be still.  Leaning on prayer to lead me to my daily purpose.  Living in the moment not letting the past define me or the future scare me.  Focusing on Jesus is the best way I know to be still.  I focus on prayer and then listen.  For me, prayer is the easy part.   Welcoming in the Holy Spirit is the place I start, continuing with thanking Jesus for dwelling within and healing my soul.  I trust that he will guide and heal me so thanking him in advance…

Without Reservation. Blog #335.

As I try to keep myself untangled from all the chaos and noise around me I look forward to a time when we love without reservation.  When everywhere we go we are at peace with all those around us.   A time when we serve others without worrying if it will be well received.  Where there will be no concern with one’s race, ethnicity, religion, or level of education.  Love will overcome hate and hope will take the place of despair. Kindness will become the norm and forgiveness will be abundant.  Intentions will be good and deception will be eliminated…

Chin Up… Hope Is Here. Blog #334.

Something invaluable that I have put into place is an unwillingness to let negative events run my life and steal my hope.  Day after day, there are things that can put us in a mindset of despair.  But all those same things dealt with from a positive perspective can be handled and packaged differently. If we don’t keep a positive perspective, all the negative aspects of the day will wear us down.  They make us and the people around us exhausted and incapable of functioning properly. We hurt and grieve regarding many things in life.  Often it is regarding…