One of the most valuable questions I have learned to ask myself before I respond to a situation is, how can I be helpful? When I start from this perspective I am able to address any issue with compassion.
That doesn’t mean that I get involved in all interactions. Sometimes the most compassionate thing I can do is pray and walk away. Silent prayers asking Jesus to guide the person or situation.
Not contributing to frustration, anger, fighting or dangerous situations might be the best decision. Being helpful might require suggesting support for someone or maybe lending a listening ear.
There are times when I don’t contribute to a discussion because there is nothing that I can say that would be helpful. In some cases my opinion is important and other times it is just not necessary or productive.
When I am out and see an opportunity to be helpful, I thank Jesus for making me aware. I am careful to ask the person or people if I may be of help. Sometimes the answer is, no. I tell them to have a nice day and move on without questioning their answer. Most of the time people are very appreciative of assistance and acts of kindness.
When you come from a perspective of compassion, it takes only a few seconds to decide how to be most helpful. It is about serving the other person or people. I take myself out of the equation, Asking Jesus to give me direction on how to be helpful in each situation.
If people have stepped in and the process is going well, I happily say a silent prayer and continue with my day. Other times I see an opportunity to make someone’s life a little bit easier and quickly offer my assistance.
When you approach life with love and compassion opportunities to be helpful arise daily. My favorite way to be helpful is making people’s lives easier without anyone knowing something was altered.
How can I be helpful? I start by moving through life with compassion, being prayerful, and being aware of those around me. Always with the understanding that being helpful might require one to step away and pray.
Wishing everyone a beautiful holiday, and a Happy New Year!
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