Getting On Track. Blog #32.

It is very easy to get off track, the hard part is knowing when to refocus on the original task. 

On days that I am very busy, I function in a “zone”.  I focus on the task at hand and rarely allow myself to get off track.  Crossing off each task as it is completed.  Writing down additional tasks to be completed later. 

It is the days when I have a few moments to spare that I seem to allow myself to drift off track.  I start working on one task and suddenly I am multitasking in a few different directions. 

I put my shoes on to go to the grocery store.  As I grab my purse I dial a return call.  I hear the washing machine stop so I transfer the laundry to the dryer and then see that our dog is waiting for her daily playtime.  I grab the toy and take a few minutes to play with my furry friend.  As I open the garage I see that the recycling needs to be addressed.  Fifteen minutes later I finally leave for the grocery store.  Sound familiar? 

For most of us, it is a choice we make, to stay on task or deviate off track.  I only allow myself the opportunity to get off track when I have the luxury of time. 

There are countless ways to get off track.  The most difficult for me is when I get a thought or issue stuck in my head.  When I am angry or disappointed about something or don’t agree with how something was handled. 

I get reminded all the time that it is not me who runs my life but something greater.  The moment I find myself getting off track because of an issue or thought, I give it to God.  I pray and give the issue to God to solve.  The moment I find myself thinking about the issue and getting off task, I give the issue to God again, and again, and again. 

It never fails that the issue is resolved and often in ways that I would never have expected.  It takes perseverance to stop thinking about the issue and give control to God. 

In addition to handing the issue over to God, I find it helpful to reach out to someone who has a good outlook on life.  Sometimes all you need to know is how others are blessing people for your day to get back on track. 

Recently I called a very close friend that I had not spoken to in months.  This is one of those friends that you don’t need to talk to often, but when you do talk it feels like you talk daily.  On this particular day, I was having trouble getting my thoughts on track.  I knew when I heard this person’s voice, I would forget any of my issues. 

The conversation started with me asking how the summer was going.  The answer was, “Oh Laura, you would never believe if I told you…”  To make a very long story short, this person spent the last two months taking care of a quadriplegic man who only had the ability to talk softly with the use of a microphone and move a finger and thumb.  The wife and caretaker of the man had an accident and was placed in a rehab center and the husband was left alone.   He couldn’t go to short-term assisted living because of the equipment he uses, the amount of assistance he needs, and their income level. 

One can imagine the day and night care that a quadriplegic person requires.  My friend who cared for this man for two months is very sick.  The experience and the bond that was developed between my friend and the man over the two months was a true gift.  The comment made was, “I wasn’t sure I could do it but it all was an incredibly eye-opening experience for me.”

By the time my friend had finished telling me about the experience, I was inspired and had a huge smile on my face.  Getting back on track sometimes requires you to reach out to people who inspire you.

Most of us get off track from time to time.  The most important part about getting off track is knowing how to get yourself back on track.  I choose to let go of control, give my issues to God, and find the blessings around me. 

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