It is time to rejoice in the new year and to bring love and reconciliation to the forefront of my life. When I make time to reflect back on 2020, I am careful to think about the blessings and learn from my failures. I chose to focus on the things that were positive about the year, not the things that were lost or never accomplished. If there is something weighing heavy on my heart it is time to restore the situation.
Reconciliation is something that starts from within. I have to choose love over whatever conflict or disagreement that occurs. Sometimes I don’t even know what the issue is but I know that reconciliation is needed.
When something weighs heavy on my heart I pray for a solution. Ideally, a solution that is positive for all those involved. Once I have identified and come to terms with the issue then it is time to forgive both myself and those involved. This is not always easy and sometimes those involved are not looking to forgive or reconcile.
Some people are looking for closure, some want forgiveness, some won’t see a need to forgive, and others will choose to avoid the issue. I have learned that I can’t change what others will do or think, but I can open my heart to reconciliation, pray for an opportunity to mend any wrongdoing and ask for forgiveness.
There are times when forgiveness is not reciprocated and the reconciliation is not accepted. In those situations, I pray for an opportunity in the future. It is important for me personally to attempt to reconcile any misunderstanding. Once an effort is made to reconcile the situation, I am able to find forgiveness within myself and move on without regret or guilt. I have faith that if appropriate, the relationship will be restored with time.
Every so often I find myself involved in a toxic relationship. There are varying degrees of toxicity, but all require stepping back and appreciating the person for who they are from afar. I don’t always know a toxic relationship immediately, but with each red flag, I am more cautious. I can have love and appreciation for a person and still know that it is not a positive situation for me personally. I can enjoy many things about someone and still understand that it is better overall to keep my distance.
The first step for me is to understand that there is something in my life that needs reconciliation. When something is weighing heavy on my mind, I pray for direction and an opportunity to make things right. I come to terms with the fact that I can’t change how people will respond but I can always offer love and reconciliation, even if it is from a distance.
Wishing you abundant opportunity for love, now and in the new year!
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