Sometimes it is me whom I judge and sometimes it is others. It happens so quickly that my filter has to be ready to block those critical thoughts immediately. I quickly say a prayer asking for forgiveness and remind myself that I don’t know all that is going on so best that I don’t judge.
We are all equal in the eyes of God. So why is it that we sometimes feel we are not equal to those around us? Is it that we allow ourselves or others to make us feel we are not worthy?
We all have different skills, strengths, and weaknesses. Some of us have more years of education, but that does not mean we are more intelligent. Some have more wealth, but that does not mean we are more valuable to society. Some have a large circle of influence, but that does not mean we are more worthy.
It is important to have faith and believe that each of us is equally deserving of love. Think of those you trust and respect the most. What is it that makes them someone you trust? Do they listen without judgment?
My most treasured friends are those that show unconditional love. They are people who allow me to be myself without feeling judged. People who will listen, share, forgive, and overlook my faults. I enjoy being around people who are willing to take the risk to love others as well as themselves.
My father continually provides unconditional love to those around him. Providing clear examples of how to do the right thing without being judgmental. He is an excellent listener combined with total confidentiality. He provides insightful feedback only when asked. When he gives something away, he never expects or wants anything in return. He doesn’t judge, he loves.
I work very hard at eliminating judgments toward others. I do have opinions on things, but normally I try to keep my opinions to myself. When I do, think, or say something judgmental, I quickly redirect my thoughts to prayer, ask for forgiveness, and focus on love.
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