Plan For Success. Blog #204.

With the excitement of the holiday season, I like to plan for success.  That doesn’t mean that the plan has to be perfect or that everything will run smoothly.  What it does mean is that I have a plan that can be adapted, moment to moment, depending on how the day is going. 

I like my plan to be a simple one-word outline.  When things get a bit out of control, I can look at the plan and make changes as needed. 

If things are going smoothly, I may not ever look at the plan and simply let the day unfold.  Having a plan allows me to quickly adjust when necessary. 

What I like most about planning for success is that I can clear my mind of all the details without worrying about what I might forget.  If things are going well and I forget something, it doesn’t matter.  When things get crazy, I use my outline to get back on track.

I often keep my written outlines, including additional notes or changes to the plan.  When I host a similar event I bring out the document and have a proven plan.

In addition to the written outline, attitude, and effort play a big role in planning for success.  Having a positive attitude, believing that the day will go well, and not allowing the what-if questions to crush your excitement are all important aspects of success.

It is really difficult to plan for success with a bad attitude.  When I am not in the right frame of mind to have a successful day, I use prayer to focus my thoughts and redirect my attitude to being grateful

An attitude of appreciation seems to encourage positive effort.  A great attitude in combination with great effort makes for a promising future.

It is my goal this holiday season and beyond to plan for success.  I clear my mind by creating a written outline of tasks.  I use prayer to focus on a positive attitude and effort.  When I find myself struggling I rely on my faith and prayer to lead me on my journey.

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