Slow Down. Blog #353.

It’s not often that we get an opportunity to slow down our life.  We can’t turn back the clock, but we can do what’s important with the time that we have available to us.  We can evaluate how we use that time and make choices that align with our priorities.

That means we first have to identify our priorities. That is not easy particularly when life brings great chaos.  Most of us probably have a handful of priorities we can articulate immediately.  But are we living our lives according to those priorities? Are we spending our time doing things that align with our priorities?

We must slow down enough to figure out what we are currently doing with our time.  Are we letting our time slip away falling short of our priorities?  My priorities are my faith, my family, and my livelihood.

Faith is my first priority.  When I get that right, everything else seems to fall into place in my life.  Is the time that I allocate to my faith in line with it being my first priority?

For me, I had to learn how to allow my faith to be first in my everyday life.  One obvious answer would be to get more involved with a church.  But it was more than that for me, I wanted to be the church.  Living with love daily not just when it is convenient.  To do that, I had to slow down and train myself to live in a state of love, being thankful and prayerful throughout my day.     

Whatever your first priority, one needs to slow down enough to evaluate what’s most important.  After listing your top priorities, are you spending quality time fostering and building what’s most important to you?

Once we objectively evaluate how we allocate our resources, we begin to see what we need to do differently.  I had a major priority reset when I realized I was putting my family first before my faith.

After re-aligning my priorities to faith first, family second, and career third, I was able to better allocate resources to align with those priorities.  As a result of that simple adjustment, inner peace has been a constant in my daily life.

It is a choice to slow down long enough to figure out what’s most important in your life.  That doesn’t mean we have to live our lives in slow motion, but it is important to understand our priorities.

In this world, it’s very easy to get caught up in the rush.  I like to step back, slow down, and review what’s good in my life, what I need to change, and how to best realign my 24-hour day. 

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