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Broken. Blog #173.

Are you or have you ever been broken?  I have been broken and daily find myself in a position of thanking Jesus for picking up the pieces and providing hope.  Although sometimes I am able to see the true needs of others, the picture we display in public is rarely the whole story.  This past year has opened my eyes to the depth of our brokenness. I see people of all ages and cultures in various settings going through life with smiles on their faces and emptiness in their souls.  People struggle to know if it is okay to show…

Risky Business. Blog #172.

It is risky to be real, but empowering just the same.  Why is it scary to be real?  Because it requires stepping out in faith.  It means that I am totally exposed and people have the choice to accept or not accept the person I have become.  That in itself is scary.  It is a risk to take off the mask and unveil the true colors.  I never changed who I was in character or spirit.  I did, however, hold the strength of my faith in the closet for years.  It wasn’t that I didn’t let anyone in…

Don’t Take It Personal. Blog #171.

Although for a moment I may take things personally, I quickly regroup and realize that there are ways to rid myself of what seems like a personal attack.  I start by removing myself from thinking negative thoughts and turning to prayer.  I then find something constructive that I can use to learn and grow and/or I give the worry to God.  It is hard not to take what people say and do personally.  I do want to grow from my mistakes, but I don’t want to be paralyzed by negative influences.  I quickly get rid of any bad…

Timing Is Everything. Blog #170.

The stage is set to pull off a major event which takes planning, effort, cooperation among people, and an ability to understand the importance of timing.  Sound familiar?  Have you ever launched a business, been the leader of an organization or event, or planned a vacation? One can do everything right and if the timing is off success is in jeopardy.  My life took direction immediately after graduate school.  I had thought I would be accepting a position at a university when an offer was extended to work in industry.  At the time the job offer was half of what…