
Risky Business. Blog #172.

It is risky to be real, but empowering just the same.  Why is it scary to be real?  Because it requires stepping out in faith.  It means that I am totally exposed and people have the choice to accept or not accept the person I have become.  That in itself is scary.  It is a risk to take off the mask and unveil the true colors.  I never changed who I was in character or spirit.  I did, however, hold the strength of my faith in the closet for years.  It wasn’t that I didn’t let anyone in…

Don’t Take It Personal. Blog #171.

Although for a moment I may take things personally, I quickly regroup and realize that there are ways to rid myself of what seems like a personal attack.  I start by removing myself from thinking negative thoughts and turning to prayer.  I then find something constructive that I can use to learn and grow and/or I give the worry to God.  It is hard not to take what people say and do personally.  I do want to grow from my mistakes, but I don’t want to be paralyzed by negative influences.  I quickly get rid of any bad…

Timing Is Everything. Blog #170.

The stage is set to pull off a major event which takes planning, effort, cooperation among people, and an ability to understand the importance of timing.  Sound familiar?  Have you ever launched a business, been the leader of an organization or event, or planned a vacation? One can do everything right and if the timing is off success is in jeopardy.  My life took direction immediately after graduate school.  I had thought I would be accepting a position at a university when an offer was extended to work in industry.  At the time the job offer was half of what…

Blessings. Blog #169.

As a child, I am not sure I fully realized the power of the phrase, “Count your blessings”.  In the back of my mind, I recall hearing that phrase being used by many adults.  I now find myself encouraging my children to realize all the blessings around us.  There is a lot going on in this world, I choose to focus on the blessings.  I think about the positive things going on around me.  When I start with an attitude of appreciation I find that I have a better perspective on life’s challenging issues.  When I ignore all the…