Suffering. Blog #255.

I can’t answer why we suffer or why some suffer and some seem to move through life spared by significant suffering.  But here are a few of my thoughts on the topic, none of which have been dreamed up by me, but rather things I have learned through others. We really don’t know who is suffering in this world.  Someone very special to me would say, “We all have a cane, mine is just visible to others.”  My mind always moved immediately to a friend of mine who was physically in a very frail condition.  She had severe…

Family Matters. Blog #254.

Family, a melting pot of different personalities with some common core.  It is not easy to define family.   It is my hope that unity, love, and forgiveness are part of the equation.  My family has been an important part of my life.  Second only to my faith.  When I was young, we had a large extended family with lots of uncles, aunts, and cousins.  I thought it was normal to have family in and out of the house weekly if not daily.  Long ago I remember a neighbor telling us our family always looks like we are having fun, they…

Trust. Blog #253.

It is one of those days where I am off focus.  I drift and find myself unable to hear the words that I know are there for me to convey.  I get restless and a bit frustrated as the time gets later and later.  Thinking to myself, why can I not focus?  I take a moment to pray and trust in Jesus.  Whenever I feel a bit off I know that I have shifted and taken back control.  When Jesus is in control, my whole being is at peace.  When I allow frustration to surface, I know that I need…

Unnecessary Worry. Blog #252.

I often need to remember how simple it is to give my worries to Jesus.  Daily I give away the small stuff, but then the bigger worries creep in and make life challenging.  The bigger worries make me feel tired and stressed, and even start to develop pain throughout my body.  Why do I put up with all that when I can rely on Jesus?  Sometimes it takes weighing us down in worry to remember he is on our side and there for us.  Recently I allowed my thoughts to wonder and imagine all the things that could go wrong…

Courage To Do What Is Right. Blog #251.

The irony of doing the right thing is that there is no sure way of knowing that you are approaching the situation correctly.  There are, however, indicators that things are moving in the right direction and guidelines for us to follow.  Deep down, I think many of us know when we have crossed that line.  When I am on the wrong track, I always pray for guidance on how to make things right and how not to do the same thing again!  Normally, asking for forgiveness is part of the equation.  Throughout The Bible, Jesus gives us guidelines and examples…

Jumping To Conclusions. Blog #250.

How many times do I jump to conclusions before I know the facts?  Way too many, particularly in my mind.  Thankfully, most of the time my better judgment stops me from speaking out loud. Typically I rebound and re-assess the situation in my mind.  However, my first reaction when something comes at me unknowingly is to react.  I have patience, but when caught off guard I am not always as gracious as I would like. The good news is I quickly rebound, reevaluate the situation, and pray for forgiveness and guidance.  It doesn’t matter whether I was right…

Finding Joy. Blog #249.

This past week I went to an orientation for The Power of Joy an organization inspired by The Book of Joy by Dalai Lama and Desmond Tutu with Douglas Abrams.  I am completely on board with living a life of joy and spreading joy.  Personally, my joy stems from my faith. At first, my interest was piqued by social media.   The Power of Joy caught my attention because I strongly believe when we redefine love our perspective changes and opens up a world of peace, unity, and so much more.  If your heart is open to love and serve those…

First Or Last? Blog #248.

What holds us back from presenting our faith first?  For me, I would say that I liked my private faith-filled life.  It was very comfortable.  I relied on Jesus and was able to serve others without many questions regarding my faith.  That routine worked for many years, but then that same faith pushed me beyond my comfort zone.  Not only was I pushed out of my comfort zone regarding my faith, but also in the delivery.  My faith is strong, but my writing skills and biblical knowledge are not something I would brag about.  The other small detail was…

Choosing Our Words. Blog #247.

So often we don’t know when we hurt people with our words.  Finding ways to minimize or eliminate harsh words is key.     We can’t take back our words.  Hence the importance of being very careful regarding the words that come out of my mouth.  In the heat of the moment, I am not always good at choosing my words.  I have made enough mistakes that I am becoming good at hearing my errors, now I am working at eliminating those moments. Being aware of our words is the first big step in minimizing the issue.  When tensions escalate…

Living In The Moment. Blog #246.

As my children enter their senior year of high school I have been answering this question often, What are you going to do when the girls go off to college?  My real answer is the same thing I have been doing my whole life, following Jesus.  I have never known what I was going to do next or why I was following a certain path.  I always have my eyes open to opportunities that present themselves.  But I am not a person with a set plan for my life, other than serving Jesus.  I live in the moment and trust…