3 Essentials of Unconditional Love. Blog #4

Why is it important to love?  It is important because we have unconditional love from God.  No matter what we do, God will forgive us and love us unconditionally.  I believe an important part of allowing yourself to love is being able to love unconditionally.  If you have felt the feeling of having unconditional love, you know that brings with it a sense of security.  A feeling that no matter what you do you will still have that love.    1.  Trust is essential for unconditional love. A willingness to trust in a relationship is not easy.  It takes courage and…

Your Path or Your Intended Path? Blog #3

I believe that God prepares us for whatever life events we encounter.  For myself, I see very clearly how God has used every experience to better prepare me for what life has dealt.  I was not able to see how these experiences would help me in the moment, it is hindsight that has allowed me to see how valuable each crazy step has been to my life thus far.  There were countless times when I wanted to alter what I knew was my path.  I stayed the course and have always believed that these crazy things that I did not…

Happiness and How I Achieve It. Blog #2

I never allow myself to stay unhappy.  Of course, there are moments, days or times that I have been unhappy.  But in general, I don’t allow myself to think that way.  I give myself a moment or a few hours, sometimes a day, but then I give it to God and move on.  That is easier said than done.  It is hard to say, “ok God, this issue is eating me alive and I can’t function with this bolder in front of me.  I am sorry for whatever it is that I have done to contribute to the…

When Do You Give Thanks to God? Blog #1

Always, always is the answer to the question, “when do I give thanks to God?”  I live my life giving thanks to God.  I get up thanking God for the day and for what we will discover.  When I feel a sad or a negative thought come into my mind, I thank God for redirecting me.  I thank God for helping me find misplaced items.  When I see something good in the world, community or at an event, I give thanks to God.  When something makes me smile, I quickly thank God for that moment.  When I see someone with…