I feel I am in a constant state of refinement. Praying to be shown all the events in my life for which I need forgiveness. A work in progress striving to live my life with love and inner peace. Often my life is replayed in front of me. I’ll see signs of things that I should’ve done differently. Through prayer, I ask to be shown what it is I need to refine, improve, and concentrate on regarding my faith, love, and service to Jesus. With patience, I am shown specific situations where I have done something that was…
As we go through life, we have a lot of choices to make and we have an opportunity to play games or to pass. There are games that we were meant to play and others for which we should stay clear. Although I occasionally enjoy a game with friends and family, it has not been something I frequently find myself partaking in. What I love about taking the time to play a game with others is that it allows us an opportunity to spend quality time together. It’s a time to learn more about each other and win or…
I like to ask myself, who am I bringing joy to, myself or others? Why do I feel it is necessary if I am doing this for myself? What is my goal? Am I doing this for me to better serve others? Or am I doing this for me because I want to achieve increased personal success? Generally, I can twist what I am doing to be anything that fits my needs at the moment. The only one able to see the true meaning of our actions is Jesus. I know that I could be doing different things with my…
One of the most positive things we can do for ourselves is to live our lives with complete forgiveness. Forgiveness for ourselves and forgiveness for others, both are important to our mental, physical, and spiritual wellness. If someone accepts our forgiveness that improves the overall well-being of the other person, too. Have you experienced a complete rewind of your life? Maybe a dream that takes you back to past things that you have experienced or done, some of the things might not have been so favorable. I like to think that those are times and opportunities for me to…
It is incredible to think that no matter where we are or what we do, God/Holy Spirit/Jesus is with us, everywhere. In times of celebration and in times of sorrow we are heard. Solutions are available to us all. Coming from a perspective of love is completely irresistible to Jesus. When we base our actions on compassion and kindness we move closer to seeing the solutions available to us. When we are angry, hurt, stressed, worried, and frustrated it is hard to see beyond the chaos. Our prayers are heard, but are we able to see the solutions…
We are all equal in the eyes of Jesus. The opportunity for eternal life is there for each of us. I understand this yet I still find that I need reminding more than I care to admit. As a young teen, I traveled and was exposed to poverty. I was fortunate that I had a perspective of being an equal in the eyes of Jesus to all those who were searching for their next meal. Somehow I knew that any one of us could suddenly be in that situation. Compassion was intense, respect was given. In my late twenties, I…
I have numerous friends who have chosen a word to carry them through the current year. A word that will inspire them to get closer to what they hope to accomplish. Something that will help remind them and center them on what is most important in their lives. I don’t choose a word every year. However, I do annually evaluate things that I need to refine. I feel inspired this year to choose the word focus. The word focus is important to me because I have set the foundation for what I would like to achieve, but I need…
Everything significant in my life has required me to make a decision and then follow through. I have been around people who make life look easy and uncomplicated, but they also had to make a decision and carry it through. I choose to be happy. I have had many things in life kick me in the gut, but I choose to believe all those circumstances have led me to the next step in my journey. When I made a decision to be thankful, prayerful, and have a perspective of love I found inner peace. Living out this decision was a…
Living with inner peace and abundant love brings out a beautiful perspective for the Christmas season. I can see the beauty in God’s creation. Letting go of a challenging day to find joy in all the small wonders of the season. Despite all the challenges going on in the world it is a time to unite and be grateful for the gift God delivered through Jesus. A time to be thankful for the birth of Jesus and the opportunity we all have to surrender control and be forgiven for our sins. A season that reminds us that all we…
First impressions are very tricky for me. I know that I am not to be judgmental therefore, putting love first and giving people time to be their true selves is something I strive to do daily. It is a priority of mine to rid myself of all judgmental thoughts, particularly when it comes to first impressions. At times I falter, but the effort is there. I am aware that the first impressions I give off are not always those of love. Not because it’s not there, but because I am a comfortable introvert, that gravitates to the periphery by…