Why Is It Impossible? Blog #82.

I had never swum 100 yards in less than a minute in my entire high school career.  One might say that was impossible for Laura Damiano.  I was not a freestyle swimmer.  I only swam freestyle when competing in the individual medley, which includes all 4 strokes.  

In college, I went to apply for a job as a lifeguard.  One of the requirements was swimming a hundred yards in less than a minute.  I knew I had never swum that fast of a time.  I distinctly remember praying as I dove into the pool, “Please Lord, provide me the speed if this is my path.”  I continued praying throughout the entire swim.

I got out of the pool after my swim and was told I made the cut to move on for the lifeguard test. For me, doing the impossible requires me to let go of control and trust my faith.  I like to think of it as being in the zone.  Clearing one’s mind, letting go of control, thanking Jesus, and being open to what lies ahead.  I let go of doing things my way and accept that great things will come from keeping faith, having patience, and believing all things are possible.

That doesn’t mean that I believe everything I want will be provided to me because I believe and have faith.  It does mean that I have faith that I will be guided down my intended path if I have the courage to let go of control and walk in faith.  Every day I experience things that I want, but I resist walking down that path because I have been led to far greater things by letting go of control and following the path that opens up to me… my intended path. 

People have said to me, “Things are possible for you because you are so positive.”  I am positive because of my faith and because I know it is simple; I have love in my heart, a love for people, and a love for Jesus.

I make mistakes all the time, but I am able to refocus and get back to the simple formula of having love in my heart.  I am able to ask for forgiveness and refocus on Jesus.  I resist the urge to do what I want to do and follow the opportunities that repeatedly are placed in my path.

Why is it impossible?  I never think about things as impossible.  Although there are many things that are impossible for me to do alone, because of my faith in Jesus, I am not alone.  Life is not easy and I have experienced plenty of challenges and disappointments.  There is no magic wand to wave that makes everything perfect.  It is my faith that has carried me through those challenges and in hindsight, I can always see how each struggle has led me to something greater.

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