Refocusing Rest. Blog #111.

We all need rest in our lives.  The length and type of rest we need may be different for all, but the fact remains that rest is our time to rejuvenate.  Our bodies tell us when rest is needed, the question is whether or not we listen

I learned the hard way that I must set boundaries for myself, particularly when it comes to rest.  It became clear to me that I need a minimum of 5 hours of sleep to function at a level that I desire.  That would be the minimum hours of rest, of course, I always welcome more.  Anything less than 5 hours of sleep makes me feel run down and unproductive.  The result is that my family and I have to pay for the consequences of my stupidity. 

I also look for the opportunity to find moments of rest during the day.  Sometimes that means a change in my routine, it could mean taking a few minutes out for lunch, or maybe it means working on a different or less stressful project.   

Often my moments of rest are times when I choose to pray.  I make a decision to slow down my thoughts and thank Jesus.  For most of my adult life, my normal commute time to and from work was an hour.  I never thought of it as a waste of time.  It has been my time to pray, be creative and most of all my time to unwind from work and prepare for my family or visa versa. 

No matter what I have to accomplish in 24 hours, between the hours of midnight and 5 AM I rest.  Daily, I provide myself with the best rest possible, but when life tosses me unexpected responsibilities.  I work on managing my time going forward. 

When something unexpectedly arises during those hours, as in sickness within the family, I am extra careful about my nutrition and finding ways to compensate for my lack of rest.  I know that I am unable to get the time back, but I can manage my life going forward.

I have always loved teaching and I especially enjoyed teaching business at Kent State University.  I always looked forward to being on campus and interacting with students and faculty.  It was during my time at KSU that I realized my need for mandatory rest time. 

I would prepare for class after my kids went to bed and my daily household tasks were complete.  Work has always been fun for me.  I would get lost in my plans and suddenly realize that it was early morning.  Losing track of time became a habit that was not healthy for me or my family.  My body started telling me exactly how much rest I needed. 

Midnight became the time that my work was finished.  I had to train myself by setting a daily alarm for 12 AM.   Hitting snooze was not an option, so I decided to make rest a priority.   

After leaving KSU the next 5 years of my work life would be spent training me on how to further refine my resting skills.  God placed me in the passenger seat of a van.  I was trapped inside a moving car and had to learn how to sit in a seat and be still. 

I won’t deny that sometimes it was a huge challenge, but I loved every moment of my time on that journey.  I learned that it is ok to change up your routine, give your body rest, and slow down your pace.  Life still moves forward even if you give yourself a bit of rest.  God placed me on this journey, but he also had to force me out and onto the next journey through the retirement of my boss. 

Although the above sounds like I am in slow motion, I am not.  I still make the most of my time.  As I am writing this blog at 6:15 AM, my 5 AM exercise and shower are complete and I am making lunches, exercising the dog, managing my kids, and getting ready for a 7:15 departure for work.  Life is not dull, I simply reprioritized my life leaving 5 hours of nonnegotiable rest with additional restful moments throughout the day! 

When I sit down I feel uneasy, I want to be active.  My mind sees all the tasks that are ready to be accomplished.  I had to make some changes in my life to find the rest that I unknowingly needed.  I learned that I can be both productive and restful if I make the proper adjustments in my life.  It was time to refocus and rest my mind, body, and soul.

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