Fears, Worries, and Bullies. Blog #139.

When something goes wrong, we are targeted, bullied, or are not included do we go the extra mile and pray for the individuals involved?  How many of us after we give our worries to God pray for those who we fear?

Recently, I was reminded by a friend regarding the power of prayer. I won’t give details of the situation but she indicated that when stopped at a stoplight she and her daughter were verbally harassed.  Her first instinct was not to talk back but to pray.  She prayed not for safety for themselves, but for the people who were attacking them verbally. 

A wonderful reminder that not everything is about “me.”  A tool so easy to implement, yet somehow it had temporarily slipped out of my toolbox.   When fear and worry arise, pray that the root of the problem will find peace and love.

Prayer is always on my mind and often implemented without thinking.  I pray for others who I see are in fear. I also pray when I am in an uncomfortable situation.  However, I have neglected to pray for the person who is attacking verbally, mentally, or physically.

It is now at the forefront of my mind.  I have begun to rethink and expand my prayers.  My toolbox has been rearranged and is even more powerful providing a much-needed realignment. 

After giving my fears and worries to God I pray for whatever is at the root of the issue.  Sometimes fear is not acknowledged or understood and can prevent us from moving forward.  Of course, some amount of fear is healthy, but not when it becomes paralyzing.

I choose to let go of those fears and have faith that God has my back and is in control.  I give up control and surrender.  The need for forgiveness is as much or more for me than for anybody else. I need to clear my mind and to be able to move forward.  Which brings us back to praying for what or who we fear.

So simple, pray for them.

So simple, pray for who?

So simple, pray for everyone.

So simple, love everyone and surrender yourself to Jesus.

It makes life so simple, so easy, and so much more gratifying to live life appreciating your blessings.  Let go of your fear, let go of control, and go with God.

When you find yourself in a position where you’re being bullied, challenged, or treated unfairly silently pray for them.  Pray for peace, love, and understanding.

Pray for them, love them, forgive them, and surrender to Jesus.

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