Faith Strengthened. Blog #145.

For those of you who have been following my journey, you know that I have great respect for the Nemeh family and their “unshakeable” faith. The general mission of their organization, Path To Faith, is to “bring people closer to God by experiencing his love and his power that heals us both physically and spiritually.”  Dr. Nemeh and his wife, Kathy, “Hope to spread the message that God is present and active in our lives each day, and to guide all of us on the path to a more perfect life.”

Years ago I was reading The Alchemist, by Paulo Coelho, at a gym where my kids were working out. Yes, I know, I should’ve been working out too! But I was exercising my mind while they were exercising their bodies!  A gentleman who worked at the facility came up to me and said, “If you like that book, you would like Miracles Every Day. It’s a book about Dr. Issam Nemeh, a man of faith.”

It was unusual for the gentleman to notice what book I was reading or even make that connection. I thought it was an odd circumstance and felt like I was meant to read the book.

Not only did I read the book; I devoured the book. My initial thoughts were focused on how it would be helpful to someone who was suffering.  I never thought the connection was for me.  I didn’t have a life-threatening disease nor was I suffering.   I thought I was directed to this book to help others, but first I needed to be healed and my faith strengthened.     

I read Miracles Every Day first for enjoyment, but I quickly grew to realize it was much more than one man’s life journey. The book is a complete guide on how to live a life of abundant love, faith, and prayer.  It emphasizes the importance of having a love for others and serving God.  It provided me with a new perspective on prayer.

Before reading the book, I prayed at bedtime and at various times throughout the day.   Now, for me, prayer is a way of life. I pray my way through the day, not for myself, but for what enters my mind. 

For my family, Dr. Nemeh continues to be a conduit to God’s healings.  Some of our healings include sinuses, vertigo, dental issues, nerve issues with feet and back, realignment of the spine, neck, and shoulder, knee issues, and mental health issues.

Dr. Rediger, in his book, Cured: The Life-Changing Science of Spontaneous Healing describes the Nemeh’s as people who  “… have dedicated their lives to the healing and well-being of others.” (p371).   In chapter 7 of his book, Dr. Rediger quotes one of Dr. Nemeh’s patients, Dr. Patricia Kaine, “If you have to walk ten miles to a well carrying a bucket, you can bring water back to a community, but it limits how much you can bring.  If you build a conduit, a pipe, or an aqueduct, you can bring much more—unlimited amounts.  That’s how Dr. Nemeh is, but instead of water, it’s love.  And he’s the conduit.” (p. 226).  Dr. Kaine provides a beautiful example of how Dr. Nemeh strengthens my faith through love and prayer. 

Recently published, The Power Of God… Today, by Christine M Blake, also features the Nemeh family.  The book provides a detailed description of what one might experience while attending a healing service and also highlights her experience during a scheduled appointment with Dr. Nemeh.  Christine takes her reader through the experience from various perspectives and helps prepare the reader for what one might be feeling or experiencing at a healing service or appointment.   

Christine mentions in her preface that she hopes the book does not read as her life story but as a helpful guide on one’s “path to a deeper faith.” (p. xii)  Although written from her and her daughter’s perspective, Christine does a wonderful job focusing on the experience and the power of prayer and faith. 

Through an organization Christine and her daughter Emily created, The Blessed Reason Trip, they have connected hundreds of people to the Nemeh’s and to a life of love, prayer, and faith strengthened.    

I have always relied on faith, but I haven’t always lived my life completely by faith. When you allow yourself to love, to surrender, to serve, and to live a life of faith, doors open up and life takes on a whole new meaning.  Miracles Every Day and The Power Of God… Today both provide a guide as to how to live a life of love and faith… how to live for something greater.

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