How To Get Into The Zone. Blog #146.

It would be nice if one just landed in the zone and had an instant ability to function with love in their heart on a daily basis.  To be able to live stress-free, with total forgiveness, no judgments, with peace, and love for all.

For me, it is not easy, it’s not something that comes without thought, it’s not something that comes naturally and effortlessly.  I consciously choose love. It is my choice to stay focused on the good.

Of course, I have moments of worry, stress, and anger, along with many other imperfections in my life.  However, I have a constant reminder in the back of my mind that I choose love.  I remind myself that when things get tough, I give my worries to God.  I surrender myself to Jesus and open myself up to serve.

I fight feelings of judgment, worry, and stress and work at not letting evil run my life.  I try to refocus on the good.  I continually do that until I’m successful in getting rid of the worry and the stress.

2020 has been a challenging year for many people, my family included.  One thing that keeps me centered is my faith and the ability to get back into the zone and focus on love.  There are times when it’s very difficult particularly when the evil forces seem to continually bombard one with negative circumstances. 

I use a keyword, such as “joy,” to remind myself to give my worries to God.  Every time my worries filter back into my head I say the word “joy.”  Saying the word creates a diversion and refocuses my mind.  I give away my worries, again, and continue focusing on “joy.”  It is both a distraction and a wake-up call that I need to refocus my thoughts.

When dealing with myself, I am fairly good at giving my worries away and getting myself back into the zone.  Normally I am able to find the good in the situation.  I pray for the ability to get rid of bad feelings and move forward. But when it comes to my family, it is more difficult. 

I am not able to do the refocusing for others.  I pray that they will find the love in their heart and trust Jesus.  I am simply an example to my children, they make their own choices.

The risk of giving one’s worries to God is that the path will often change.  Very seldom is God‘s plan the same as my plan!  I have to be willing to let go of control and be willing to trust in God’s plan.

Getting in the zone starts with changing your mindset to love.  It means being open to walking down a path that may not be one’s choice.  But that one is open to the challenge and willing to see where that path leads.  For me, I often have to refocus numerous times.  It means making a choice, a choice to see the good.  I choose love, I choose to live for something greater.

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