The Lives We Touch. Blog #150.

So many things we do each day touch the hearts of others and give them hope.  Much of the time we never know the lives we have touched.  Every once in a while we get the gift of knowing just how important our efforts are to someone else.  For the most part, these are things that are routine in our lives, yet special to someone else. 

We touch people’s lives with a smile, by being present, with encouragement, and when we offer our assistance.   These routine tasks often can change someone’s life.  As I go about my normal routine, I challenge myself to remember just how important it is to recognize others.

I recently worked as a substitute teacher.  When I was young I did not see that as a desirable job.  As an adult, I found the job rewarding and most of the time I very much enjoyed my day.  I enjoyed interacting with the students and found them humorous, hard-working, and appreciative.

It seemed almost daily that a student would touch my heart.  A struggling student would smile after we found a solution to their problem.  Sometimes it was as simple as standing in the doorway and smiling as the student entered the classroom.  Realizing the student that had looked at the floor when entering the room actually turned their head and cracked a smile too.  It was the moment where you were able to say something funny, have the whole room laughing, yet have the respect to regain control of the class. 

For some students, it was not the smile that made the difference but being present and encouraging.  It was taking the time to look beyond the class clown to find one of the brightest students in the class.  It was encouraging students to press forward and not give up on finding the answer or completing the task.  It was being present and giving encouragement.

It was always difficult for me to sit at a desk during class.  As I assisted students with their questions I found them very grateful.  It always touched my heart when an unexpected student approached me to say thank you for helping them learn how to solve the problem. 

Although I am sure there were plenty of students who were not too happy with me as a substitute, the hand-made tokens of appreciation, “high-fives” in the hallway, and the genuine notes of appreciation all touched my heart; often, at the most unexpected times.     

As we live life, there are so many things that we can do to reach out and touch someone else in a way that is so simple yet so meaningful.  As with any role that we play in life, people can tell when someone cares.  Use that beautiful smile, be present, give encouragement, and offer assistance to those who cross your path.  I am very thankful for all those who bring joy to my life and pray that I will continue to touch the lives of others.

“I alone cannot change the world, but I can cast a stone across the waters to create many ripples.” Mother Teresa

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