Timing Is Everything. Blog #170.

The stage is set to pull off a major event which takes planning, effort, cooperation among people, and an ability to understand the importance of timing.  Sound familiar?  Have you ever launched a business, been the leader of an organization or event, or planned a vacation? One can do everything right and if the timing is off success is in jeopardy. 

My life took direction immediately after graduate school.  I had thought I would be accepting a position at a university when an offer was extended to work in industry. 

At the time the job offer was half of what I could have made teaching, but the timing was perfect.  I knew I would make a much better educator if I had industry experience so I accepted the offer despite the difference in salary.

That decision led to several job advancements that doubled my salary every six months.  How did I know that the timing was right?   I prayed for the right opportunity.  I was open to unique positions.  I trusted that the “wrong” doors would close.  I had faith that if I put in the effort and was patient I would gain the experience and the income. 

Years later I found myself in an industry that was dealing with business closings.  I became good at knowing how to close down a business and I didn’t much care for that line of work.  The timing was once again showing its face and provided me an opportunity to change careers. 

I prayed for a career opportunity in an industry that had longevity.  This was around the time that print advertisements were becoming extinct.  Most of my job searching was done online.  However, I always glanced at the print employment ads. 

After a few short weeks, a “too good to be true” job appeared in a 1” x 1” ad in the newspaper.  It was perfect timing, a gift from God that I saw the ad.  I was hired into the nonprofit world as the Director of the Big Brother Big Sister Foundation. 

It is wonderful when the timing is such that prayers are answered within days, weeks, or a few months.  However, God’s timing is not always in sync with my desire for quick answers. 

When I moved from Boston to Cleveland, I struggled for years being the runner-up candidate for positions that I thought would have been perfect.  One position was my personal “dream job” but from the time I was told the position was mine until the time I politely declined I had a huge “pit” in my stomach.  I clearly knew that I was not to follow that path despite the fact that I wanted that position. 

The timing was not right and it was not my path to be employed in a full-time management position.  God’s plan was for me to be present with my family.  It was always my hope to be home to raise my children.  The timing was such that my part-time employment provided me with that opportunity.

It has been years since I have had the rush of closing a business deal.  If and when the timing is right it would be great to have that opportunity again.  But my primary focus is on following my intended path.  I am aware of opportunities, listen for clues, and pray for clarification.  When I think the timing is off, I have to remind myself to be patient and trust that faith and hope will prevail.

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