Fear. Blog #179.

What is your biggest fear?  There have been times in my life when that question has stopped me in my tracks.  Fear was never a word in my vocabulary.  I did not have time for fear.  Or maybe it was that I had not yet pushed myself to experience fear. 

Sometimes my fears are unknown.  I don’t know that something is preventing me from moving forward.  It might be something happening in the world or something specific to my life. 

There are times when fear camouflages itself making one feel unable to function. Baggage that has built up over the years weighing one down.  A voice that says one is not good enough.  Fear then becomes paralyzing.

Walking through fear is a process. It’s a process that one has to be willing to take.  It doesn’t happen without effort and without clearing the mind allowing us to understand that we are capable of overcoming fear.

I start with prayer and rely on my faith to uncover hope and love.  Fear alerts me to things that I shouldn’t be doing and redirects me to stop or alter my path.  I pray that my path opens up and brings opportunity.

Opportunity provides me with the confidence I need to move through fear.  When I hear strong criticism it makes me feel horrible.  I want to crawl away and disappear.  But instead, I choose to keep my eyes on the opportunity.

I pray that I am open to the opportunities that God puts in my view.  The opportunities that make me grow stronger and that move me along my intended path.

Whether it’s skiing down a mountain, participating in an activity, or moving through a tough time in life, prayer is my answer.   Prayer illuminates hope, love, and opportunity. 

Sometimes prayer confirms fears as a warning signal. A few years ago the girls and I visited friends in Vermont.  We were snowboarding when fear suddenly flooded my mind.  I wanted to continue to make more runs, but fear ended my day.  I listened to the warning signals.  However, that doesn’t mean I won’t conquer that fear another day.

When fear becomes a roadblock it can stop one from moving forward in life.  Fear such as not being good enough can be paralyzing.  What is it that I am to do next?  Am I to walk through the fear?  What is my first step?

I always start with prayer which leads me to opportunity.  I have faith and hope that I will be led down my path and redirected if necessary. I have faith that I won’t let other people determine how I feel about myself or others.  I will look to Jesus for my strength and my direction.

I personally battle with the fear of overlooking my intended path.  When I feel fear creep in, I quickly give my worries to God and pray for a clear path.  I thank Jesus when opportunities arise.  I don’t allow myself to get paralyzed by fear.  I quickly evaluate the fear I am experiencing.  Is the fear a warning signal or an unnecessary roadblock?

I change course when fear is a warning signal.  I don’t take that extra run down the ski slope when I feel fearful.  As for the unnecessary roadblocks, I pray that I find hope and opportunity regardless of the fear that surrounds me.  I have faith.

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