Union. Blog #201.

This week I was reminded of the beauty that comes from a loving union.  One of my favorite couples shared an anniversary this week.  The social media posts made me smile and gave me an opportunity to be reminded of all the joy they share.  This couple radiates love and kindness in everything they do, but particularly in their marriage.

It is almost as if there’s a selflessness about their acts of kindness. The acts of kindness are to each other, but somehow that magic radiates to all those around them.  They are an example of how good union ripples and creates a loving environment and ultimately a place where people feel welcome. 

My girls and I talk about surrounding ourselves around people who bring out our best characteristics.  In a partnership it is so important to choose someone who contributes to allowing you to be the best version of yourself and that you do the same for that person. 

I have been fortunate to watch the union of my parents grow throughout their 66 years of marriage.  From my perspective, it has been the little things that have built a strong foundation to support their marriage.  My father never forgot to thank my mother for making dinner.  My mother always made sure the household chores were completed before my father arrived home.  My parents both consulted each other before answering questions from their kids. 

The love and respect they gave each other early in their marriage have proven to build a strong bond.  Now, 90 and 88 years old, they spend most of their day sitting arm in arm on the couch still supporting one another with their love. 

Falling in love with someone is wonderful, but not enough to support a union.  One has to be willing to share their love and support their partner. 

I always felt my late husband put as much if not more effort into our relationship as I did.  And I believe he felt the same way about me.  Once involved in a relationship it is no longer about what “I” want, but what we both want and need for the union.   

If you are in a partnership do you know what that person wants and needs?   Are there things you could be doing to help facilitate those needs?  As you go about your day are you aware of what might make your partner’s life a bit easier or happier?  Is your partner a priority?  Do you know what would make your partner more content with your union?

If I am unable to get answers to the above questions I pray for guidance.  I rely on my faith and look for opportunities that arise.  I investigate the opportunities and pray that I will follow my path.

I want to qualify this message because there are situations of abuse in various different ways that are outside the lines of what we’re discussing here.   And for those issues,  it’s a different reliance on faith and prayer in order to have the strength to do the right thing for the people involved in the situation.  

In my union with my late husband, I always felt valued and I believe he felt the same.  We had very different strengths and we recognized the balance that brought to our lives.  It is my hope that I am able to brighten the union of a friendship every day.  How can I make someone’s day a bit more enjoyable?

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