Suffering. Blog #255.

I can’t answer why we suffer or why some suffer and some seem to move through life spared by significant suffering.  But here are a few of my thoughts on the topic, none of which have been dreamed up by me, but rather things I have learned through others.

We really don’t know who is suffering in this world.  Someone very special to me would say, “We all have a cane, mine is just visible to others.”  My mind always moved immediately to a friend of mine who was physically in a very frail condition.  She had severe issues with breathing but did not wear oxygen or make her disability an issue.  To most people, she was an outgoing, kind soul who spent her life teaching others. 

Her “cane” was not visible, but she was a woman who was very sick.  A person who spent most of the morning trying to get out of bed and clear her lungs.  She had a wicked cough, but would politely excuse herself so most would not see the true intensity. 

Somehow she came alive in the classroom or at the library where she volunteered her time.  Living for those moments, she spent her day and night nursing herself to be strong enough for her next performance in the classroom.

Numerous times she was yelled at for using a handicapped sticker on her car.  She would pull into a spot, get out of her car and someone would say, “You know you just parked in a handicapped spot, you seem to be walking just fine.”  She hid her “cane” well.  Smiling at the people yelling at her, she would give them a wave and proceed to her destination with much dignity and grace.  These are people who suffer with love in their hearts.  They move forward with faith that all will be okay.

Thankfully I have never heard anyone say this, but many other people have been exposed to the comment, “You are suffering because of something you have done.”  That is not true.  If it were true, what is it that Jesus did to suffer the intense pain he endured?

The suffering was not because they did something wrong.  In fact, just the opposite, many I know turn their suffering into examples for those around them.  Examples of determination, love, and faith. 

Every time I am not feeling 100% I think of my friends who deal with suffering daily and all those in the world who are suffering.  It is a quick “kick in the pants” for me to stop whining and move on with whatever has me hurting. 

As you are suffering here on earth, think about who walked this earth, and suffered the most.  The one who is closest to God.  He carried out his predestined function on the cross for us.    

I don’t know anyone who wants to suffer, but I do know that we have a predestined function that I choose to see as a blessing.  When we accept our suffering we allow ourselves to be at peace with and trust in Jesus. 

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  1. | 1st Dec 22

    …. very well written. I always refer to the phrase that “God doesn’t give you anything you can’t handle” Hypothetically, “Suzy Jones may not have been able to handle your trauma”; but G_d chose “you “ because He knew that “you “could manage it”!!

    • admin | 1st Dec 22

      Thank you so much for following my journey! Glad you enjoyed this week’s blog. Appreciate your comment. Blessings, Laura

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