Some people appear to enjoy and thrive living in an environment of chaos, but that is not how I choose to live. I believe if one puts forth the effort, one is able to change the way in which life is lived. Some things can be altered that don’t have any monetary requirement, simply a desire to do things differently.
Given all the options in the world, do you choose peace? If so, what would you be willing to do to be at peace while walking through life?
I stop and breathe. With my eyes, I evaluate what is around me. Seeing all that is clouding my perspective. I make a mental note of all the things standing between me and peace. Once I am aware of the issues, I proceed to rid myself of each one through prayer.
In addition to all that I see, I also have ears to hear. After slowing down to breathe and being aware of what I see, it is time to shut out the noise. Tuning out all the unnecessary communication is ridiculously difficult in today’s world.
It is not that I tune out all that I see or hear, but rather that I watch, listen, and better choose what receives my attention. I look for things that have purpose and meaning, and that are in line with my values.
There were times when I thought I was missing something, not connecting with the noise that attacks so many. When those thoughts cross my mind I quickly evaluate how amazing it feels to live with inner peace.
Even when I am surrounded by noise, I can cut through the chaos and choose where I spend my time. I serve Jesus, so it is clear that he is in control and I follow the path presented to me through prayer.
Everyone has a path, upon occasion most of us will go off track. The key is to “be still.” watch, listen, and live with love.
So much of what we think is true turns out to be something different. Follow what you know to be true and do it with love. There are many ways to harvest the truth, coming from a perspective of love is a good start.
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