Close Friends. Blog #343.

Close friends are priceless and rare.  For me, certain traits are consistent among those I consider true friends.  

All my close friends have heart.  It might not be obvious to everyone who knows them, but all live life from the perspective of love.  Some might not live with love fully exposed, but pulling back the layers reveals the true core. 

Living from a perspective of love promotes kindness and compassion.  My close friends are people who choose to react with kindness.  We enjoy seeing others succeed.

I trust my true friends.  Listening to their perspective helps me broaden my focus.  We might disagree on various issues, but we are respectful of each other’s opinions. 

My close friends are not judgmental.  They are accepting of my faults and encourage my strengths.  I choose to surround myself with people who show compassion to others.

In addition to all the above traits, one of the most precious things we can give is our time.  There is a set number of hours in a day.  It is our job to use those hours wisely.  

With increasing amounts of noise pulling us in various directions, staying focused on our priorities is difficult.  Finding time to spend with close friends sometimes gets overlooked.  

There are seasons when friends connect often and other times when communication is minimal at best.  When the relationship is based on trust, love, kindness, and safe from judgments it feels effortless to reconnect and move forward without hesitation.

There is one friend who is always with me no matter the season.  That friend would be Jesus.  He is the ultimate example of love, trust, and kindness.  Available to listen all hours.  He hears our prayers without judgment.  

True friends are beautiful and I am grateful to have their love.  Having Jesus as your close friend is priceless.

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