The irony of doing the right thing is that there is no sure way of knowing that you are approaching the situation correctly. There are, however, indicators that things are moving in the right direction and guidelines for us to follow.
Deep down, I think many of us know when we have crossed that line. When I am on the wrong track, I always pray for guidance on how to make things right and how not to do the same thing again! Normally, asking for forgiveness is part of the equation.
Throughout The Bible, Jesus gives us guidelines and examples to follow. For my own life, I like to look at each situation in terms of love. Are my intentions good and are my actions a result of love? If kindness is not involved, even if it is tough love, then I am probably following the wrong path.
When I get into a situation where I am uncomfortable do I have the courage to do the right thing? First I usually say a quick prayer asking Jesus to guide me in what I say or do. I take a moment to focus on kindness and center my thoughts on love.
When I am uncomfortable with what is being said or going on, I make sure that I am not contributing to the negative energy. I make a choice to stay quiet and see where the conversation or events lead. Often things change and move in a different direction.
When things stay negative, I look for an opportunity to offer another perspective on the situation. Choosing my words carefully so as not to be unkind. There are times when Jesus opens that door and there are other times when I sense that my thoughts will not be heard.
Upon occasion, I am provided an opportunity to politely communicate my thoughts regarding the issue, but I always work at not criticizing the thoughts of others.
If things continue to move in a negative direction, I usually excuse myself politely and walk away from the negativity. Jesus always lets me know when it is time to exit the conversation or event.
Sometimes we need a bit of courage to react with kindness and to do the right thing. My courage comes from Jesus. I ask in prayer for his guidance and trust that the right opportunities will surface just as Jesus planned.
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