Simple, Abundant, Prayer. Blog #290.

In this fast-paced world of instant gratification, it can be a challenge to wait on the Lord.  Prayer is personal.  People pray in different ways.  

When our intentions are good and our actions are kind Jesus is grooming us to become closer to him.  When we do something less than desirable, he is there to help us get back on our feet, we simply need to ask with good intentions and a perspective of love.  

Quick results are not always apparent.  It is difficult to wait for direction, but in hindsight, my intended path has proven to be worth the wait.  

Throughout the day I pray individually.  I pray for others, I give thanks to Jesus, and I seek direction.  My prayers are quick and simple.  I don’t get hung up on the words and come from the perspective of a grateful heart.  

I also pray with others to both strengthen the prayer and renew my soul from the encouragement of the group.  Two or more can pray in person, over the phone, via the computer, at a designated time, or maybe the time is different but the message is the same.  Jesus hears our requests and prayers.  He answers in his time and in his way.

People approach prayer in a variety of ways.  Some like to read or recite prayers, while others choose to personalize and highlight significant daily needs.  Both approaches can be delivered silently or out loud.  The beauty of prayer is that it is your personal message to Jesus.  

My simple prayer goes something like this, “Holy Spirit in the name of Jesus, Blessed Mother, and angels, thank you.  Thank you for today.  Show me what it is you ask of me.  Lead me to those in need.”  When I pray for individuals I like to have a picture and I simply ask for the Holy Spirit to dwell within and heal them.  I often add bringing them peace and comfort.  My prayers don’t get much more complicated than the above example.  

Prayers are personal, they are your message to Jesus.  Pray in a way that makes you happy and comfortable. Pray with good intentions and love.  Pray abundantly and then listen for his direction!  

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