Chin Up… Hope Is Here. Blog #334.

Something invaluable that I have put into place is an unwillingness to let negative events run my life and steal my hope.  Day after day, there are things that can put us in a mindset of despair.  But all those same things dealt with from a positive perspective can be handled and packaged differently.

If we don’t keep a positive perspective, all the negative aspects of the day will wear us down.  They make us and the people around us exhausted and incapable of functioning properly.

We hurt and grieve regarding many things in life.  Often it is regarding our health or mental state or the state of someone we know.  These are valid feelings that we have, but lingering in negativity too long is dangerous.  It can take over and become paralyzing. 

Hope is unconditional in my life.  No matter the circumstance, I believe without a doubt that Jesus has my back.  I may suffer, but my mind is focused on Jesus.  Looking for the light in all circumstances, I am willing to serve without reservation.  

Praying my way through tough times, I don’t know my future, but I trust that I will be guided.  I pray and give the issue to Jesus, thanking him in advance for the solution.  Each negative circumstance getting me closer to Jesus.  

We may not realize these negative times in our lives are building us to be something much bigger and better than what we are today.  As I move through difficult times I don’t allow myself to stay negative. The moment I realize I am being negative I change my perspective.  I just don’t allow it. 

When I am submerged in negativity, I bring out my “Armor of God.”  To the best of my ability, I listen and offer a safe place for the person to vent.  But I do this without allowing myself to be drawn into the negativity.

People experience different things in life, but it is likely that we will experience negative moments.  During these moments, I thank Jesus that I’m alive and I thank Jesus for bringing me to the next adventure.  I understand that this difficult situation will strengthen me on my journey.

Chin up, life is full of ups and downs.   Hope is here as we live our lives with love, peace, and prayer.

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