Spiritual Growth. Blog #351.

My spiritual growth soared as my definition of love was redefined.  My faith has been strong most of my life, but it was not until I was introduced to Dr. Issam and Kathy Nemeh that my definition of love changed.  

The importance and role of love is known to many, but how many of us live with love?  Kindness and the golden rule were at the forefront of my life, but I did not live with love.  This is not romantic love, but living life with love and compassion for all. 

I didn’t realize I could love people I did not know as I love those closest to me.  And I didn’t realize how much spiritual growth would come from living with love.  All I had to figure out was how to make living with love a part of my daily routine.  

Repetition creates a routine, so I decided to train myself to live with love.  I started with being thankful.  Thanking Jesus for everything that happened throughout the day from the time I woke up until I fell asleep.  Admittedly, it was work at the beginning.  Being thankful for all the good and bad things that happen in a day is exhausting at first.  

I was training my brain to think positively about all situations.  Each day it became easier and the routine began to emerge.  By the end of the week, I found myself thanking Jesus without prompting.

Week two I added prayer to my quest to learn to live with love.  At this point, I prayed a few times a day and when a situation arose that seemed appropriate.  I knew I needed to step up my game if I was going to live with love.  

I repeated the thankful routine but added prayer to the mix.  Praying for everything and everyone that I saw.  Thank you, Jesus, for dwelling within and healing this adorable dog, etc.  As I drove I prayed for people, places, and anything that caught my attention.  Prayer is now a part of everything I do.  

Week three I added a perspective of love regarding everything.  Being thankful and prayerful became a part of my routine.  Now I was approaching all aspects of life with love and compassion.  

I began noticing the level of inner peace I was experiencing.  The moment I was worried or stressed, I knew that I was not being thankful, prayerful, and living with love.  Inner peace became my signal that I was on track.                 

By the end of week three, my definition of love had shifted from family and friends to incorporate love for all.  My compassion became something I shared unconditionally.  Inner peace was something I craved.  

My spiritual growth thrives on being thankful, prayerful, and living with love.  Always striving to be more like Jesus.

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