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Disappointment. Blog #275.

I learned a valuable lesson about disappointment.  Put very simply, despite various disappointments love conquers everything.  Having love in your heart doesn’t prevent you from disappointment, but it provides a framework as to where to start and offers a different perspective.  It makes it less about me and more about countering the disappointment with kindness. I can be criticized, walked over, or sat on, but because I have love in my heart, there’s something that enables me to get up again.  Something that tells me that disappointment doesn’t deserve anger.  That something that picks me up is…

Not To Be Forgotten. Blog #274.

Over time we often forget some of the details of our lives.  Some things become easier over time as our memories fade.  Other things are enhanced by a gentle reminder.  Monuments often provide a reminder of important things that have happened in history.  As we view the art our minds focus on the events of that time period.  It is a gentle reminder of history; a person, event, or era.  As I was listening to the Daily Audio Bible the reading touched on the importance of incorporating reminders into our lives.  Things that will help us reference important personal events…

What Is It That We Need? Blog #273.

John Lennon’s song, All You Need Is Love, has been playing in my mind this past week.  From podcast to televised church service the common theme has been we are what we believe.  The concept that positive thoughts and actions bring about positive outcomes has long been a topic of discussion among those closest to me.  I see things in terms of the cup 1/2 full and find very little cause to worry.  While others find it very difficult to address all circumstances from a perspective of love and tend to hang on to stress and anxiety. I…

Evaluating Excuses. Blog #272.

Recently I was speaking to someone who was trying to decide how to tell a friend that they could not accept the invitation.  This person didn’t want it to seem like an excuse, because it wasn’t. My advice was, to tell the truth.  It would be pretty embarrassing if something else was given as an excuse and it showed up on social media, or worse in person.  Knowing there are many ways to approach the topic; I mentioned two, addressing them bluntly or with some explanation.  If the person is someone I want to be a true friend…