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Chin Up… Hope Is Here. Blog #334.

Something invaluable that I have put into place is an unwillingness to let negative events run my life and steal my hope.  Day after day, there are things that can put us in a mindset of despair.  But all those same things dealt with from a positive perspective can be handled and packaged differently. If we don’t keep a positive perspective, all the negative aspects of the day will wear us down.  They make us and the people around us exhausted and incapable of functioning properly. We hurt and grieve regarding many things in life.  Often it is regarding…

Lots Of Practice. Blog #333.

As a child, if I wanted to do something well I made a point of practicing the task.  The more I repeated the action the easier it was to perform and the more it became part of my memory.   Often tasks become an automatic response to certain situations or environments.  At home when one is finished with the meal the dishes need to be cleared from the table.  Unless one person clears the table each night, the family needs to be trained to take their plates and the serving dishes to the kitchen counter.  Some families may pray together before…

Not Without Love. Blog #332.

Love plays a major role in my everyday life.  With love comes compassion, kindness, trust, and peace.  It also opens the door to a beautiful relationship with Jesus.    I was listening to a talk by Dr. Issam Nemeh regarding the importance of love and having the right state of mind as we live our daily lives.  Having no doubt regarding your faith, living with love, and not allowing outside negative factors to weaken your relationship with Jesus. But none of this is possible without love.  Love is a must.  You can have a strong faith and live with love which…

Flawed Yet Forgiven. Blog #331.

I will speak for myself and say that although I would love to be without flaws, my list of things I wish I had not done or said is rather extensive.  There are those sins that I immediately see, some that I see when reflecting upon the past, and I am certain there are plenty that have gone unnoticed. Flaws that I immediately notice are the easiest to resolve.  I ask forgiveness from Jesus and pray that I can find the right words when apologizing to those I have hurt with my words or actions.     Also praying for an opportunity…