It is a priority of mine to make sure that I set myself up to have a great day. I find that with a little preparation, the odds of that happening increase significantly. 1. Give Thanks Every morning when I get up I give thanks to God. I have found that starting the day with the right mindset is important for me and prepares me for the day ahead. I don’t allow myself to think about anything disruptive to a good start to the day. As I begin my daily exercise routine, I thank God for what I can…
You need to love yourself before you can find fulfillment. It starts from within. Courage It takes courage to begin self-evaluation. Taking a look at what you like about yourself, and what you wish you could change, can be very challenging. Looking at yourself with an open mind and a clear perspective is essential. Some tend to take an overly negative approach to self-evaluation and some lack the ability to see their weaknesses. Stepping back and looking at yourself takes courage, I always pray for clarity in that process. Happiness Joy and happiness start from within. To experience…
Sometimes all we need is a change in our perspective. Changing one’s perspective is not easy, but it is a choice that you are able to make. You can choose to focus on all the things that went wrong or you can choose to focus on what is good. Sometimes finding what is good takes time, sometimes it takes creativity, other times it takes perseverance. The key for me is to FOCUS on the positive, the good. That is often very difficult; but if I don’t look for the good, I often find myself drowning in negativity…
The wonderful thing about mentors is they come in all different packages at various times in your life. I have had mentors of various ages, occupations, and cultures. I have had mentors who took me under their wing and taught me their expertise and I have had mentors who never knew I was following their journey. I have had mentors who taught me positive building blocks to prepare me for life and I have had mentors who I followed from afar. Mentors who elevated me to a new level of competence and mentors who taught me what not to do…