Each of us faces our own personal struggles. Some of us may have similar issues, but we have our unique set of circumstances. We really don’t know what other people are going through because we are not walking in their shoes. Despite only knowing our personal issues, everyday struggles are real. Some days the conflict seems to weigh us down. We try to work through the obstacles, yet more issues arise. It might seem like prayers are not answered or worse, not heard. Jesus has a plan for each of us. His plan may not work with our time…
We all have a choice about how we approach death and our feelings of guilt, anger, relief, sorrow, contentment, etc. Although my late husband’s death was sudden and unexpected, I was fortunate to know that he did not want to survive on life support. A part of me feels a bit embarrassed to say that I don’t ever remember talking to him about faith. We never had a need to talk about it because we lived it. I saw him live life with love. We both knew we would be married in a church, but rarely attended unless…
If you were to ask me years ago if I had idols in my life I would have laughed and said, “No!” In hindsight, I always said that my family was first in my life. I lived my life full of faith, but my family took that top spot. I didn’t realize the importance of always putting my faith first until I worked with Mary Kay Cosmetics. My faith was strong and present, but I never verbalized it as being first in my life. The strength of my faith was definitely “in the closet.” It was the top leadership…
Some time ago I heard a quote from Radhika Reddy, “You are not always going to be able to do what you love, but you can love what you do.” For most of my life, I have loved what I have done. I find something that makes me happy and I keep myself focused on enjoying what I do. Many times it is the people that I am with that allow me to love what I do. I don’t remember saying yes or no to a job because of the product or service. My focus was always on the…
Many times in direct marketing I have heard people say that they were at the point of giving up, but they pushed through. If they had not connected with a few more people they would never have experienced being a top leader. Being persistent with a positive attitude, humble heart, and genuine gratitude goes a long way in business. How does that philosophy relate to everyday life? Might it be that we all need a reason to keep moving forward? What is it in our life that pushes us to want to get up in the morning and take steps…
We all are enough and we all matter, so why have enemies? Being angry and holding a grudge takes too much energy. Energy that we could be focusing on love and compassion. Anger, violence, and revenge are hurtful to all involved. Revenge doesn’t help the situation or make anyone feel better about themselves. Negative actions only put more stress on the already tense relationship. It is overwhelming how much energy is wasted among couples, families, and friends that cultivate stress and anger in their relationships. Living in that toxic environment is exhausting and can become paralyzing. Treat those that…
One reason love is a mandatory ingredient in my life is because we all are good enough for Jesus. We might think about those who have treated us poorly or are not walking the “right” path according to our standards, but we all have an opportunity to be with Jesus. For most of my life, I didn’t fully understand how important it is to lead a life with love. I understood being nice and kind to others, but I was not living my life with love in my heart for all. Inner peace grows within you when you start…
This past weekend I listened to Dr. Issam Nemeh speak regarding the importance of our “state of mind.” I was not able to take notes, but I thought I would share some of the things that I thought were very powerful. The fight is in the mind. We have so much information and noise attacking us it is difficult to stay focused. It is easy to be thrown off track and often the result is increased anxiety, anger, and stress. I am intentional in redirecting my mind to focus on love. I am not going to lie, at first, it…
Have you ever caught yourself thinking or saying, “Yes, but not if…” or “I am all in, except for….” It is hard to give up control and allow faith to completely guide your everyday life. It means putting aside the dreams you have for yourself and allowing your story to evolve and your path to develop through faith. One of the careers I thought I would enjoy was being a dean at a university. Upon completion of graduate school, I was offered an opportunity in business. I thought I would be there a short time and jump back into higher…
When my priorities are straight, I seem to have a much better handle on being patient. My first priority is my faith, which when held in that position aligns everything in place. It doesn’t mean that I have everything in control it means that I have given control to Jesus and am willing to walk in faith on the path that presents itself. What I am not doing is sitting around waiting for something amazing to happen. I am exploring opportunities that cross my path. I don’t say no to something because I don’t want to be…