Overcoming Frustration. Blog #165.

I try not to think about all the times that frustration has quickly surfaced within me unveiling a side that is not particularly flattering.  I am learning to overcome frustration with prayer and remembering the importance of maintaining love in my heart.    I was researching businesses that extract wisdom teeth.  I called to get price estimates, but the offices would not give any pricing over the phone.  I was not pleased but understood the process.  During the initial call, I asked if I could book the surgery for a particular week.  The woman said, “We don’t book appointments until…

Redefining Love. Blog #164.

I will be honest, my definition of love 10 years ago was very narrow.  For me, love was a term used when in the company of family and friends.  I have always had the ability to spread love among those close to me, but my life changed when I was able to genuinely feel love for all. After reading the book Miracles Every Day I realized that I had been living life only appreciating love through my circle of influence (Zagrans, 2010).  For me, it was Dr. Issam Nemeh who simplified love and made me realize our purpose is to…

Focus. Blog #163.

In order to focus on what is most important, I believe it is crucial to understand our weaknesses.  When we are aware of our weaknesses we are better able to manage and control our actions.  As we gain an understanding of our weaknesses our strengths begin to blossom.  My list of weaknesses is pretty extensive, but the ones I work on the most are my quick temper, my voice tone, and my ability to clear my mind and focus on Jesus. To better focus we have to be aware of our weaknesses and admit that they exist.  That does not…

Investing In What Matters. Blog #162.

What matters to me is investing in others, myself, and my faith. Earlier this week my daughter asked me if I had a favorite motivational speaker or a favorite speech that was inspiring.  I quickly replied, yes!  I remembered the speech perfectly, but I had to do a Google search for the name of the speaker.  This motivational speaker was at the top of the search, Father Greg Boyle, “I was taught everything of value by gang members.”   If you have not yet listened to the speech, it will take 5 minutes of your time.  This speech embodies the true…

How Willing Am I To Share? Blog #161.

Sharing is more complex than meets the eye.  Often when we think of sharing worry sets in and fear becomes immobilizing.  We allow worry and fear to overpower the joys of sharing.  Why is learning to share as a child so important?  Because every day we make decisions based on our willingness to share.  Our daily decisions include sharing things, information, time, assistance, conversation, space, feelings and so much more.    There are times when I think I am forthcoming about sharing information with others.  I give my time and assistance but am I giving with my heart?  Sharing what is…

Unity. Blog #160.

Unity is what we hope to achieve, but are we doing anything to promote unity, or are we talking about unity without action? How does one promote unity?  What can I do to support the efforts of unity among all people?  What is it that hinders our ability to be unified?  With all the talk of unification, I find myself taking a deep personal evaluation.  I am questioning how I react to different circumstances and looking at ways to improve. Tensions are high among many of us.  It is a time of uncertainty and major changes.  In order to have…

Reading. Blog #159.

As a child reading was not something that I enjoyed or that I wanted to spend my time pursuing.  The truth is I didn’t and still often don’t fully understand some of the classic literature that “everyone” must read.    For some of us reading comes easy for others it is a great challenge.  I dreaded reading as a child and as an adult I still much prefer to surround myself with books that are written in a way that I understand.  I do enjoy challenging my mind with new vocabulary, but when every sentence is a challenge, I…

Thankful. Blog #158.

I am always grateful for my faith, this week in particular I am extra thankful.  I am both excited for our future and at peace knowing that everything will work out according to God’s plan.  Yes, I’m thankful for my faith, for Jesus, our unique differences, and the opportunity to be forgiven.  Faith is my first priority.  I am thankful for knowing, “… with God all things are possible.” (Matthew 19:26)    I understand that life can be tough, but I rely on Jesus to help navigate and direct me through those times.  I gently remind myself of the…

Daily Leadership. Blog #157.

Some people enjoy leadership positions and others quickly pass on those opportunities.  It is my hope that I might expand one’s definition of leadership.  Leading groups of people may not be for everyone in every situation, but if we alter our thinking many of us are leaders in various aspects of our lives.  Forbes defined leadership as, “A process of social influence, which maximizes the efforts of others, towards the achievement of a goal” (April 9, 2013).  It does not require one to be a direct report, to have authority, or to have power.  All of us are able…

Understanding. Blog #156.

The importance of fully understanding the situation at hand is crucial.  Do people understand what I am asking or saying?  Have I been provided the information needed to make an informed decision?  Am I understanding the situation? Very early on in my career, I was working for a dynamic, strong, smart woman whom I admired greatly.  I had dreams of working in a position such as hers and was very excited to be working for her part-time.  My first assignment from my boss was to order petit fours for an important event.  For all the right reasons my boss…