Equal Without Reservation. Blog #313.

We are all equal in the eyes of Jesus.  The opportunity for eternal life is there for each of us.  I understand this yet I still find that I need reminding more than I care to admit.  As a young teen, I traveled and was exposed to poverty.  I was fortunate that I had a perspective of being an equal in the eyes of Jesus to all those who were searching for their next meal.  Somehow I knew that any one of us could suddenly be in that situation.  Compassion was intense, respect was given.   In my late twenties, I…

Your Word This Year. Blog #312.

I have numerous friends who have chosen a word to carry them through the current year.  A word that will inspire them to get closer to what they hope to accomplish.  Something that will help remind them and center them on what is most important in their lives. I don’t choose a word every year.  However, I do annually evaluate things that I need to refine.  I feel inspired this year to choose the word focus. The word focus is important to me because I have set the foundation for what I would like to achieve, but I need…

It Takes A Decision. Blog #311.

Everything significant in my life has required me to make a decision and then follow through.  I have been around people who make life look easy and uncomplicated, but they also had to make a decision and carry it through. I choose to be happy.  I have had many things in life kick me in the gut, but I choose to believe all those circumstances have led me to the next step in my journey.   When I made a decision to be thankful, prayerful, and have a perspective of love I found inner peace.  Living out this decision was a…

Merry Christmas. Blog #310.

Living with inner peace and abundant love brings out a beautiful perspective for the Christmas season.  I can see the beauty in God’s creation.  Letting go of a challenging day to find joy in all the small wonders of the season.   Despite all the challenges going on in the world it is a time to unite and be grateful for the gift God delivered through Jesus.  A time to be thankful for the birth of Jesus and the opportunity we all have to surrender control and be forgiven for our sins.  A season that reminds us that all we…

Lasting Impressions. Blog #309.

First impressions are very tricky for me.  I know that I am not to be judgmental therefore, putting love first and giving people time to be their true selves is something I strive to do daily.  It is a priority of mine to rid myself of all judgmental thoughts, particularly when it comes to first impressions.  At times I falter, but the effort is there.  I am aware that the first impressions I give off are not always those of love.  Not because it’s not there, but because I am a comfortable introvert, that gravitates to the periphery by…

A Gift With No Price Tag. Blog #308.

The hustle and bustle of the holidays often takes us off course of the most important gift that we can give.  A gift that doesn’t cost us any money and can give us so much in return.  A gift that is often overlooked yet so special. There are numerous gifts I can think of that meet many of the above criteria and are wonderful to receive.  We can give our time, and our service, we can give food from our table that otherwise may not have been appreciated.  However, there is one that sticks out in my mind as…

Do I or Don’t I? Bog #307.

What is it that we do when we question the direction we should follow, do I or don’t I?  Often we think about the positive and negative consequences.  We might write down the pros and cons, and then evaluate the list.  Sometimes we might look at the alternatives as impossible.  What I have found is that when the direction is from Jesus, I am at peace.  The issues disappear and the solutions present themselves so long as I hand over control.   That doesn’t mean I don’t do anything.  It means that if I am prayerful and open…

Giving Thanks. Blog #306.

Not everyone has the same idea of what makes a nice holiday, nor does everybody give thanks in the same way.  This message of giving thanks is something that I learned when I was very young.  It is one of the lessons that I am most grateful that I was able to see, experience, and understand.  Giving thanks for all.  For me, the key to having a successful gathering is to allow my guests to be themselves.  I am grateful for each individual worker, communicator, consumer, and watcher.  Being present with those who are in attendance and prayerful for those…

Tortoise & Hare. Blog #305.

There’s no question I was a “hare” most of my life, and I would never have imagined that I would turn into a “tortoise”.  I have been a confident risk taker, quick to take action.  However, my overall journey of life is based on faith and is steady and consistent.  I’m patiently waiting for Jesus to guide my way. For much of my life, I thought the “tortoise” and the “hare” were mutually exclusive.  How is it possible to quickly make decisions and take action, and also be slow and methodical about your decisions?   Seemingly incompatible with each…

Peace Through Suffering. Blog #304.

Living life with a sense of peace does not eliminate suffering.  What I have found is having inner peace grounds me for any and all suffering that comes my way.    When my late husband died people said I was strong.  It was not my strength it was my inner peace knowing that whatever suffering comes my way Jesus will ground me and show me how to move through the chaos. That time was not without suffering, but I was able to move forward because I chose to rely on something greater than myself.  I gave control to Jesus and believed…