What Happened To Us? Blog #37.

As I move through life I find myself wondering what it is that throws us off course.  Why is it that we allow ourselves to let the unfortunate events in our lives take over and hide all the good?  What makes us think of all the things we have not done instead of what we have accomplished?  What makes us think about the “what ifs” instead of the here and now?

Thus far in my life, I am fortunate to have been able to train myself to look for the good.  I might not like something I am doing but I search for a reason to be happy.  I pray to find a way to like the situation I am in or to find a way out. 

We see many people struggling through life with various distractions.  I often think, what was it, as a friend, spouse, or family, that brought us together?  What was it that made everyday life fun?  What was it that sparked my interest in this person?

Love is very powerful.  When love starts to get blurry, I think about what made the love rich in the beginning.  I think about what has changed and what might make the love resurface and bloom.  Sometimes people don’t want to change or feel they don’t have what it takes to make a change.  Other times it is not safe to stay in the situation.  For me, when lines get blurry prayer is the answer.

I have worried about numerous issues over the years.  What I have learned is that it is much less stressful to leave the worries to God and move on to more productive thoughts!

The girls and I have been blessed with many great “moments” and numerous fun times, but we have also had our share of difficult “moments.”  Times that were hurtful and out of character.  Times that were exhausting and certainly not fun.  During those times I always remind myself of the big picture.  I was blessed with the opportunity to parent these girls for a few short years and I best appreciate the good and deal with the bad.  Getting through the difficult times together has made our family stronger. 

What is it that centers us and keeps us moving in the right direction every day?  For me, it is faith, love, and hope.  It is believing that the current struggle in some way will make me better, lead me to my next challenge, and prepare me for what is to come.  It is trusting that living for something greater than yourself will ultimately make you stronger. 

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