Focus on Jesus. Blog #197.

It seems so easy to say the words focus on Jesus.  But what does that mean?  How do I do that?

The truth is I have not found the answer.  But I have made strides towards achieving that goal.  I have not been given a formula for a simple step-by-step process.     However, I am hopeful because I have had success in building a more abundant life concentrating on my faith, being prayerful, thankful, and more open regarding love.

Prayer has become something I choose to focus on throughout my day.  At first, I had to train myself to silently pray at various times.  I was purposeful in my prayer.  Over time, my thoughts began to move to prayer without a conscious effort on my part. 

The same was true about being thankful.  I started out training myself to be more grateful by thanking Jesus.  With time gratitude to Jesus has become more plentiful and purposeful, also.

Opening my heart to love was also something I worked on daily.  I would feel myself getting impatient or angry and immediately make an effort to change my thought process to love.  I began to see things with more compassion and understand that it was not for me to judge.  Particularly when I don’t know the full story.

I work daily to be more focused on Jesus.  Being prayerful, thankful, and open to loving others has made a strong base for me to grow in my ability to focus on what Jesus asks of me.   

I start by opening up my heart, asking in the Holy Spirit, and focusing on Jesus through prayer.  Although I pray throughout the day, my ability to focus during prayer is a work in progress for sure. 

I don’t spend time worrying about the quality of my prayer time.  Instead, I am grateful for prayer and understand I have a great deal to learn.  The first step is making prayer a priority.    

A friend of mine says, “Busy your mind with Jesus.” After I fill my head with Jesus and begin prayer, I wait.  I wait to see where my thoughts will lead.  Sometimes I wait and feel like nothing happens.  That can be discouraging.  Instead of allowing myself to be discouraged, I refocus on Jesus.  If I can’t focus, then I start to pray about things that I feel are on my heart.  As I pray for things that are on my heart other things begin to surface.

I am a work in progress but I know that in my heart I am focused on Jesus.  I have a long way to go, but I know there is hope because I have progressed in my prayer, in being thankful, and in fostering love.  I choose to focus on Jesus and am addicted to the inner peace that comes from trusting him.

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